
Negative Effects Of Video Games

Decent Essays

Let’s be honest, we all play video games at one point or another. Whether it’s on your phone, tablet, computer, or console, you’ve played video games. What’s that? You’ve never played a video game in your life? Well, have you ever been on an app on your phone such as Snapchat, Color Switch, or Pokemon GO? Well, those all count as video games. Social media? That counts too. Think about it. Take Instagram for example. You take a photo, and then you wait to see how many likes/followers you can get. Does that not sound like the same system that some games use? You build or create something, and you get points from other people on how great that thing is. Video games are fun to play, and you get to meet people you would have no chance of meeting in the real world. But video games aren’t perfect. If overused, video games can cause serious problems. In this article, you will be seeing the good and bad results of playing video games. We will start with the bad instances. Addiction is where it all starts. According to TechAddicion, children or teens that are addicted to the video games that they play tend to have most of these problems that are listed below. On average, the average kid is on their video games for about two to three hours a day, but there are some reports on kids being on electronics for five to six hours a day. This is where problems start. However, if the child can control themselves, then it will likely turn out to not be a problem. But for those that develop

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