
Essay about Negative Leadership Behavior

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The extreme leadership style of the Authoritarian can have a negative effect on team members. A characteristic of this leader is one who makes all the decisions and passes the directives to subordinates who are expected to carry these out under very close supervision. Because open communication is vital to any project, these perceptions can hurt team performance. The experience with my negative leader I will name Mohammad Smith the Authoritarian. I have learned as much from this poor leader as I have from strong leaders. This negative leadership style decreases the motivation of employees because it makes them feel as though they can’t respond with any initiative or creativity. This leader did not like the team to attempt …show more content…

He became short tempered because he couldn’t stay focused on the project. He called Patricia to his office to work with him on a Request for Proposal (RFP). Unbeknown to her, his behavior was eradict that morning and he began to yell and bully her to respond. The body gesture that occurred was the standing over into her space trying to get a negative response from her. His physical ways were very uncomfortable to the employee. This was Mohammad’s way of feeling in control and to show his dominance over subordinates. He asks for advice, but really only wants endorsement from his team. An important question is why don’t employees who are bullied in the workplace complain? Victims don’t speak out because they are afraid of the negative consequences of the complaint. They are afraid it will affect their professional careers. My position is to provide customer support to the US government and as a contractor, it is not easy to report or complain about the customer. It can hurt the company’s business reputation. Many times the company won’t address an employee’s complaint with the customer; rather the solution is to move the employee from the program to another. The personality traits Mohammad demonstrated previously was control, inflexibility, power and lack of personal skills to communicate effectively with the team. He thought he was providing explicit directions, so when the team

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