
Negative Speech : A Speech On Crohn's Disease

Decent Essays

In our world, there are many illnesses and health problems, while some of them are curable others are not. Today I am going to speak about on disease specifically, Crohn’s. Many of you may have no idea what Crohn’s disease is. Crohn’s affects 780,000 Americans, my sister being one of them. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease, which causes symptoms such as; chronic diarrhea, weight loss, fever, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, etc. This topic hits very close to home, when my sister was seventeen years old she was diagnosed with Crohn’s. I believe it is important topic since Crohn’s disease runs in my family and it is a disease not many know about. So today I am going to be talking about what Crohn’s actually is, how it affects a person, treatment options for them, and finally Crohn’s awareness. I hope that you, as my audience, find this topic interesting and become aware that there are numerous illnesses and diseases in our world that so many people are uninformed about. Previously I introduced Crohn’s as being an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), according to the article “What is Crohn’s Disease” on Crohn’s &Colitis Foundation’s website more specifically Crohn’s is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common area affected by Crohn’s is the end of the small bowel, and the beginning of the colon. One of the aspects of this disease that is so crippling is that if can affect any part of the GI tract, meaning that you could find symptoms of Crohn’s from the persons mouth to the anus. Many people wonder who is affected by Crohn’s? While you can be affected at any age, most people are diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35. While doctors and researchers have yet to completely understand the causes of Crohn’s, they have found that a person’s diet and stress can aggravate Crohn’s Disease along with the environment that you live in. Crohn’s is commonly found in developed countries in northern urban areas. Typically, Crohn’s disease runs in families, meaning that most people who have Crohn’s, have a first-degree family member that also has the disease. When my sister was diagnosed with Crohn’s we were already pretty familiar with the symptoms, but weren’t quite

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