
Crohn's Disease is Inflammation in the Digestive System Essay

Decent Essays

Crohn’s disease is a life-long condition effecting victims of any age. It is considered a form of an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation in the digestive system. The cause of the disease is unknown. The inflammation is due to the immune system attacking the healthy cells throughout the body’s gastrointestinal tract.
The exact causes of Crohn’s disease remain unknown, but most believe that factors that contribute to the disease may include genetics, immune system, environment, etc. The immune system does play an important role in causing Crohn’s disease. The immune system protects the body from infection and other harmful substances. With this particular disease, the immune system will attack things like food, bacteria, and …show more content…

There are periods of time when one will not experience any symptoms, which is called remission.
There are many tests are used to diagnosis patients with Crohn's disease. Blood tests are usually ordered, but cannot confirm Crohn's disease without further testing. Blood tests often show inflammation in the body. Anemia is common among patients that have Crohn's disease. A colonoscopy is required to help confirm if the Patient has Crohn's disease. Most patients will have abnormalities in the intestinal lining if they have Crohn’s disease. Some Tests that are commonly used is an upper endoscopy (EGD), X-ray of intestines, CT scan, and an MRI. Crohn’s Disease is also known to be genetic.
Currently there is no cure for Crohn’s disease. Treatment results differ from patient to patient. The goal of treatments is to reduce inflammation and provide some relief of the symptoms and may lead to long-term remission. Crohn’s disease treatments usually involve drug therapy and in certain cases surgery is an option.
Drugs that help treat Crohn’s disease include anti-inflammatory drugs, Immune system suppressors, and antibiotics. Some immune system suppressors carry an added risk of developing cancer such as lymphoma.
If lifestyle changers and therapies and other treatments don’t relive your signs and symptoms, surgery may be an option. Surgery options include the surgeon removing the damaged portion of your digestive tract and reconnect it, surgery is

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