Neighborhood Bike Path
Watch Out! Did you see that car? Did that driver see you? We need a safe place to ride our bikes. This calls for a Neighborhood Bike Path.
Parents always say they want kids off the couch not watching TV, playing video games, or playing on the computer. Parents just want kids to go outside. If we had a bike path we could go for bicycle rides, ride to a park, or just go outside for fresh air. We would be moving and exercising more, we would not be sitting on the couch anymore!
A bike path allows us kids to ride our bikes keeping us away from busy streets. It also encourages families to get outside and play! It is a win, win for everyone!
In the novel The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis the author uses personification when he writes “The lights knocked some of the darkness out of the way and we felt safe again.” (pg. 97). With this metaphor the author is comparing the car to a fighter and the headlights are his fists knocking the dangers out of their way. With this personification the author is showing how fearful and threatened the Watsons feel at the rest stop in Appalachia. The Watson’s are afraid that if the people in the Appalachian “caught [them] out here like this they’d hang [them]” (pg. 96). During 1963 this is a realistic fear. The author’s use of descriptive language and personification helps to bring this fear to life in his novel.
Good morning fellow students I am the head of construction and I will be talking about the Wynnem road upgrades. This is going to be effecting a vast amount of people all across Brisbane. This means the government will be buying and demolishing homes as soon as they come on sale. I strongly believe that the widening of Wynnem road should go ahead. The barricades have been put on and the plans have been reveled after first thought of upgrading in 2011. It is due to complete in 2020. The upgrade will provide interim measures to improve traffic efficiency and safety along Wynnum Road between Canning Bridge and Riding Road in Norman park.
The Greener Beltline in Atlanta project will introduce bike stops along the Beltline for a low cost to rent as an appealing alternative to transportation, exercise, and leisure time. This project will lessen the amount of mobile emissions in the city of Atlanta and increase the community’s quality of life. Moreover, this project will also provide resources and community engagements for local adolescents, adults, and bike organizations of the community. The resources and community engagements will be on the weekly basis and based on a monthly calendar located at each resource center and bike stop along the trail. Due to the Greener Beltline in Atlanta project being a project addition to an existing project, there may be more challenges faced than normal. One challenge that this may cause is the risk associated with adding an additional project onto their current project. The Greener Beltline in
It is never easy to do good for the society. It comes with many complications. Money, effort, oppositions. It is never easy and especially to do it in New york city, the centre of all economic opportunities, just makes it even more difficult. It all started in 2006, under the leadership of former mayor, Michael Bloomberg, when “the city planning department conducted a survey of city bicycle commuters and recreational cyclists in 2006”( Lyon 4) to see the feasibility of NYC city bike share program. The main intention or rather the main motive for introducing a bike share program was to “maximise efficiency of existing mass
Out of all the chapters I think chapter 6, The Roman Empire, was the most interesting to me. I liked learning about Augustus and all that he did. Augustus was a good leader and accomplished a lot. He created a new constitutional order, he retained the senate as the chief deliberative body of the Roman state, and held the office of consul. After he gave that up he was granted maius imperium, greater imperium than all others giving him the power to veto and conduct laws without having to hold a certain position in the office. Augustus had a lot of control over the government (law making) along with control over the army. He had increased the Roman army in size and made it become more professional with legionaries who served longer terms. He strengthened
One thing I see that my community lacks is the disrespect of driver to a bike lane and the way they consider it as part of the street and when you are there they honk their horn on you telling you to get off the road when they are actually who are doing the wrong thing. They use their power against you because they got a life taker car and we got a small little bike that is power by your feet. It had happened to me a lot where I am one the bike lane cars just honk and then goes over the bike lane which is really unfair.
Brace yourselves everyone! This is Dave Smith here at the scene of the wreck on I-92. A semi pulled in front of them, and they swerved to avoid hitting it. If I were them, I would take the back roads like Route 66. Route 66 has small town restaurants, stores, and everyone knows everyone. It does not have those huge semi's that zoom past you. It is not busy at all. This road has landmarks, and stuff that you might never see again.
Given that at least half of the bicyclists never use the bike paths, I am advocating for bike lanes, particularly on the uphill side of the road. Simply adding 2 feet of pavement and minimizing the ditch alongside the road will both maximize bicycle safety and minimize cost. I believe that the bike lane is needed to keep them safe. In the winter, the bike lane will help keep cars from getting stuck in the ditch after snowstorms when it is virtually impossible to tell where the road ends and the ditch begins.
My central idea for this topic is for my audience to be aware that spending time outdoors is important for the body and mind and helps you relieve stress more so than having not to spend time outdoors. Spending more time outdoors can be done in many ways and it is healthy for your body.
It is only a matter of time until politicians throughout America will succumb to the pressures to create a similar system of roads around the nation. It would certainly increase the revenue for nearby businesses due to the newfound tourism. The new road system would be safer in comparison to a speed regulated highway. Germany’s autobahn for example has 6 traffic related deaths per 100,00 in comparison to 8.3 in
Drive throughs are a leading cause in air problems such as air pollution. The big debate now-a-days is whether drive throughs being ban or not being ban. Drive throughs are leading causes for horrible air quality, waste a lot of gas in the world, and the also cause obesity. On the hand other they are good on the marketing side of things for business. Although drive throughs are very useful it also causes some of the biggest problems in the world and atmosphere.
Ready, set, “bang,” the starter gun goes off, thousands of people cheer, hundreds of runners on your left and right, and the only thing you’re focus on is crossing the finish line. Your heart is pounding, your stomach twists around itself, and the lactic acid builds in your legs to a point where all you can focus on is the pain that each step takes. But this is Cross Country. Outlasting the pain is part of the sport and if you hadn’t known that from the start you wouldn’t have joined right? And you wouldn’t have stayed all four years either.
Bike riding is one thing every child looks forward to during the summer as well as riding them to school. When I was, younger and rode my bike, I could ride till it started to get dark out, then I had to go home and put my bike away. I didn’t have to have a helmet on when I rode my bike around, today children must have helmets so they don’t fall and bust their heads open. A bike needs to have the regulation reflectors on the front and back so people can see you if you are riding in the dark. Also, you could ride your bike on the sidewalk to be safe, but now you must ride in the bike zone. “Children fifteen and younger are the ones accounted for nine percent of all the pedal cyclists killed and the twenty percent of all the ones that are injured in traffic crashes in 2012” (U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
Transition: Bill Strickland, The Quotable Cyclist once said,“For instance, the bicycle is the most efficient machine ever created: Converting calories into gas.”
Encouraging people to use bicycles instead of cars will decrease the ecological and environmental footprint people have in the country. Riding a bicycle uses no non-renewable energy and emits no pollution. Cars consume a lot of energy and natural resources even before they make it to the open road. Their production leaves a big footprint because materials like steel, rubber, glass and paint must be created before the car is ready to be used. The