
Nelson Mandela Flaws

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On July 18th, 1918 a natural born leader, Nelson Mandela was born. Nelson Mandela was the only one in his family with education and an aspiring heart to end segregation, specifically within his country South Africa. At the age of 46, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for conspiracy to overthrow the state. Though he was convicted and obtained fewer privileges than the average person due to his ethnicity, it did not put the light out in his charismatic soul. After serving 27 years in jail and being confined to a small cell with no bed Nelson was released on February 11th, 1990. Following his release Mandela was elected president of the national liberation movement and in 1994 was elected as the first black president in South Africa's first …show more content…

Being wrongly imprisoned would make the average person obtain hostility and bitterness towards the person(s) who misdid them. Nelson Mandela, wrongly accused and confined for far too long holds null grudges to the people that wronged him. Nelson forgives and moves on once he is set free from prison just so he can better the country. One of the many flaws of people is that they cannot let go of the past when people have wronged them, but Mandela does not acquire this flaw as he has been dishonoured on a greater level. The act of forgiveness puts Mandela as an exceptional person and more powerful because he can let things go. Peacemaking is not always about past events, but can be made in the future through hard work. Nelson makes it his duty to unite an entire country through a sport that is not yet affiliated with both ethnicities. Rugby is the game he chooses to integrate an entire country, even though Mandela knows there are going to be challenges and problems that come with it. A leader is one that accepts disapproval with open arms and nurtures it until it becomes something amazing, inspiring and potentially world moving. Mandela’s peacemaking is successful when his presence and well thought out ideas embellishes an ethical stance that plants a seed that will grow forever in the heart of South

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