
Neo Personality Inventory Revised ( Neo Pi R )

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NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R)
Linda Laiton Dominguez
Salem College
Psych 220, Spring 2017 Dr. Mary Jacobsen April 18, 2017

Psychological tests or psychological assessments are an important asset in the field of psychology. These tests are designed to measure people’s characteristics which pertain to behavior. There are a variety of different types of tests that can be used to assess different types of behaviors. According to the specific behavior or behaviors being assessed, tests are …show more content…

The NEO PI-R is available for purchase at the publisher’s website, for individuals with a qualification level of S or B. A level S qualification requires that buyers have a degree, certificate, or license to practice in a health care profession, in addition to having the appropriate training and experience in ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical behavioral assessment measures (NEO PI-R™, 2012). A level B qualification is very similar to the level S qualification in that it requires a license or certification that required appropriate training and experience in the ethical and knowledgeable use of psychological tests, or a degree in psychology, counseling, or a related field, in addition to having completed coursework in test interpretation, psychometrics, measurement theory, and educational statistics with a passing grade (NEO PI-R™, 2012). This helps to ensure that the test is only handled by individuals who have the necessary knowledge to interpret the test without misinterpretation, which could have negative outcomes.
The NEO PI-R is self-administered, which means individuals who do not have formal training in clinical psychology, personality or related fields can administer and score the instruments (Costa & McCrae, 1992). Although, it is highly suggested that the administrator, whether formally trained or not, review the administration and scoring procedures from the manual. On the other hand,

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