
Nepal : A Life-Changing Experience Of Volunteering In Nepal

Decent Essays

Volunteering in Nepal has honestly been a life-changing experience for me. Before the trip, not only did I have no knowledge regarding the lifestyle of the Nepali people, but I also did not completely understand the importance of being a volunteer and helping those who are less fortunate than I. However, during the course of two weeks, I personally experienced the customs and values of people in Kathmandu and was able to meet with and talk to several children in the city. Overall, this trip was not just about doing volunteer work, but about having the chance to connect with students across the world and to understand more about their culture.

In Nepal, I was a part of a program, called Volunteer BaseCamp, which organizes groups to go to schools and orphanages in Kathmandu to paint and clean up the property. When we first entered the school that we would be painting, I was shocked to be received by the children so excitedly. Students of all ages, from kindergarteners to high-schoolers, stood in a crowd by the entrance, pushing flowers into our hands as we walked by. We were each given a khata, a traditional ceremonial scarf, and from the very beginning, the teachers expressed their thanks to us for coming and helping out in their school. I was just then starting to see how much they appreciated us being here, and from looking at the condition of the classrooms, I could see why. The walls were bare of color, bar the random scrawls and marks. Each room was small and dirty, and

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