
Nestle: Deepest Food Manufacturers In The World

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Slide 3: According to Nestlé 's annual report (2014), Nestlé is one of the biggest food manufacturers in the world and established in 1866 in Switzerland by Henri Nestlé. Nestlé produces mainly powdered or liquid beverages, milk products including ice cream and prepared dishes that brought 91.6 billion sales in CHF to Nestlé in 2014. Moreover, Nestlé has been working in 197 countries with 339,000 employees and Nestle’ has 442 factories in 86 countries. In addition, according to Hess (2014), Nestle’ is one of ten companies that control world food supply and Nestle’ has been seen as the biggest company within those ten companies in terms of revenue and profits they make. Therefore, Nestlé has been recognized as the leader of nutrition health and wellness which is also the objective that Nestlé has tried to achieve.

Slide 4: According to Nestle’ UK (2015), Nestle’ UK has worked across the UK in 23 sites with 8,000 employees. Nestle’ UK specifies their products to meet the needs of people live in the UK such as Kit Kat and Nescafé. Pendrous(2013) have pointed out that the UK’s coffee market has been known as the biggest market for Nestle’ and the sales of NESCAFÉ in the UK has boosted its coffee market share to increase by 1.7 per cent in 2013, which has also brought 32 per cent growth in sales to Nestle’.

Slide 5: Nestle has grown constantly since it was launched in the UK in 1939 especially chocolate, bottled water and Nescafe have remarkably attracted large number of

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