
Net Neutrality Rules

Better Essays

Net-Neutrality Laws Investigation
Net-neutrality became a big topic of debate in the United States last year. Net-neutrality is the idea that internet service providers (ISP’s) should be giving access to all web traffic equally, without blocking access or favouring certain websites. In the first quarter of 2014, the FCC began to propose rules that would allow ISP’s to have control over their consumers access, basically going against net-neutrality. After being ruled out, ISP’s pleaded for the court to reappeal the case, which ended up ruling in favour of the rules by the FCC. This issue is interesting to look at for the ways in which the media reports it, because the majority of people are for equally accessed web traffic, but the media needs …show more content…

This article was written after the issue of net neutrality laws had been explored in court and ruled. This is important to the piece because some biased could be skewed towards the law that has been passed. This article does include the use of one visual. It is an image of the FCC chairman Tom Wheeler during a net-neutrality hearing. This may impact the reader in a way that veers them for or against the FCC. People make a first impression within mere seconds of seeing someone. Depending on an individual’s response to seeing Tom Wheeler, the reader might make assumptions that cause them to be for or against the topic before even beginning to read the article. Although this article does take effect of a visual that may or may not show biased towards or against the topic at hand, it also uses a serious tone. Not much biasedness can be seen throughout this article. It seems as though the author has done his best job towards not giving any personal view on the topic and just presenting information on the topic. It can however be noted that the tone of the article makes it seem as though the topic is of great importance, using sentences such as “The Federal Communications Commission’s new net-neutrality rules will face an important federal-court test in December…” and “The effort is aimed at preventing broadband providers from…”. Although the topic may be important to many people and affect the majority, the author is showing some bias here due to the fact that some may not agree that the topic is “important” or that there is “effort” being put into this

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