
Netflix's Strategy Case Study

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Question #1:

Netflix was so successful purely because of their strategy. They had an idea to challenge the norm of video stores and they were able to get ahold of the streaming market before anyone else could jump in. Now that other companies like Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and HBOgo have launched, this puts pressure of Netflix to figure out ways to maintain customers. Netflix started with their own series that have become very popular to their customers and these shows are only Netflix exclusives. As a Netflix customer from when they did mail-to-home DVDs, I’d say that Netflix is constantly predicting what markets will be like and they are coming up with different ways to make them exclusive to their customer; when there are several …show more content…

For example, when Netflix decided to transition their mail-to-home DVDs to streaming, for a short period of time Netflix continued to offer both services thus adding to their value chain. Transaction Cost Economics goes into how the company exists economically. For example, when we think of Netflix, they tinkered around with the cost of their products because at the time they were the only business like itself and could change prices until the field became more competitive. When I think of Vertical Intergration, I think back to when Netflix would’ve transitioned from the mail-to-home to the streaming. At one point, they would’ve been operating with distribution centers and mail carriers, so they could have been doing fulfillment to third party vendors just like Amazon does. Netflix’s vertical intergration would’ve shifted once they started streaming because they would’ve got rid of distribution centers and focused in on housing internet hubs for faster streaming. Environmental Determinism happened when Netflix started branching outside of the USA to other markets like Europe, Asia and Canada. When it comes down to business level strategies, Netflix has been able to adapt but also maintain some generic strategies that other businesses do.

Question #3:

Chapter 4 in Managing Firm Resources went over key issues that executives face in managing resources to keep their firms competitive. Additionally,

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