Network Security Applications and Countermeasures |Domains |CIA Functions | | |Ethical Hacker |User domain |Confidentiality | |Intrusion Detection system / intrusion |WAN Domain |Integrity | |prevention system | | | |Access controls |User Domain |Confidentiality | |Failover server |Systems/ Applications Domain |Availability …show more content…
Firewalls are set up on computers to help protect computers and other devices from attacks from potentially harmful websites and other resources. Proxies are servers that act as a middle man for computers. They allow users to make indirect connections to other servers. The LAN-to-WAN domain is where the infrastructure connects to the Internet. Updates, firewalls and proxies will help to keep things running and help to keep it protected. The fifth domain is the WAN domain. In this domain, the network security application that is apart of it is the intrusion detection system/intrusion prevention system (IDS/IPS). This device monitors the system for malicious activities and reports it back (Kim & Solomon, 2012). The WAN Domain connects to remote locations and using the IDS/IPS is crucial because it will help to remote if any outside activity is trying to access the system that should not be. The sixth domain is the Remote Access Domain. In this domain, the network security applications that is apart of it is Proxies. Similar to LAN-to-WAN domain, proxies help to allow users to connect to server through another server. Remote access allows users to connect to the server remotely and Proxies give a user the opportunity to use a proxy server to do this. The seventh domain is the Systems/Applications Domain. In this domain, the network security
Hacker penetrates your IT infrastructure and gains access to your internal network LAN-to-WAN Domain 1 Intraoffice employee romance gone bad User Domain 3 Fire destroys primary data center Systems/Application Domain 1 Service provider service level agreement (SLA) is not achieved WAN Domain 3
* Identify risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in the 7 domains of a typical IT infrastructure
A proxy server that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking data from other servers.
According to my textbook there are seven domains of typical IT Infrastructure. The name of these domains are User domain, Workstation domain, LAN domain, Lan-to-Wan domain, Wan domain, Remote Access Domain, and System/Application Domain. These domains should be very important to those who are in business or thinking about going in to business need the necessary plans in place to secure these domains. They also should use the C-I-A Triad when providing the protecting the seven domains. While all seven domains are very important in this paper only five will be discued.
The workstation domain in the IT infrastructure is the area where the end user is in the most control. It is also where most users are able to connect to the IT infrastructure. The workstation domain refers to any endpoint device used by others. This can be a desktop computer, a laptop device, a special-purpose terminal or any smart device in the end user’s physical possession (Johnson 93). In more recent years, smartphones and mobile devices such as tablets have become a part of the workstation domain. Along with the workstation domain being the place where an end user has the most control, it is also easily susceptible to security breaches. There are a multitude of risks that exist and can cause vulnerabilities at the workstation domain. As the world continues to evolve so does the technology and the risks involved for an IT infrastructure. If security measures are correctly put in place than the workstation domain should run smoothly in an operation.
The goal is to establish what needs to be secured and at what cost. Second, asset identification activities create asset inventories that include all network devices and endpoints, such as servers and smartphones. Third, vulnerability assessments help identify weaknesses in everything from training policies to router configurations. Vulnerabilities can be fixed through reconfiguration, countermeasures and software patches.
The explanation of domains usually presumes that there has been a system that allows a domain host to intercept communications. This type of system might permit domains to always be added as well as removed devoid of influencing the whole process of servers interior or exterior the domain. Preferably, this could be achieved by supplying a safe system for the domain host to identify, within the IP routing stage, that network visitors headed for a specific server should be directed via the domain. Sadly, no such system presently is available. This paper provides some alternate systems as well as their weak points (Condell, 1996).
Network Security is an approach and plan for establishing the security for organizations like universities, industries. IT Security Policy is the basis archive for Network Security. Security is a control for protecting networks and systems across risks such as hacking, data exudation, malware, spam, Denial of Service Attacks (DoS). An essential component of the network security paradigm is the idea of perimeters of defense that must be implemented if the network is to be both secure and usable. Certainly, it is possible to create a quasi-secure network by eliminating connectivity and interaction among systems and me other networks (White & Rea, 2007). This view is on altering flexibility to the obligation of IT security in organizations with business networking applications. Our analysis shows that privacy is a confirmation to quantify and update reliable connection and dependable interactions between participants of business processes and their IT systems (Wohlgemuth, Sackmann, Sonehara, & Tjoa, 2014). Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm helps a lot in network field. It separates the control plane from the data plane to enable programmability and centralized command of the network framework, the SDN design not
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the security and vulnerabilities dealing with network security and management policy in information technology to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of a system or network, its information, resources, and its immediate infrastructure. The topics are the overview of Web services, social engineering, system components, architecture, protocols, future security trends, security vulnerabilities programs, the evolution of network security, internet vulnerabilities, online security and the protection of civil rights, practical attacks on mobile cellular networks and possible countermeasures, analysis of network security policy-based management, the risks and threats that
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is a proactive protection technology that provides security at the network level. It’s the first line of defense against malware. An organization can not protect their network with just a firewall. Additional protection is needed to avoid potential risks and attacks. An Intrusion Prevention System adds the extra layer of protection by examining all network traffic that is allowed through the firewall. Previously Intrusion Prevention Systems simply protected operating system threats or denial of service and distributed denial of service attacks. These threats exploited vulnerabilities that were mostly in the operating system stack and services. Over the years these operating system components have
A firewall is another access technology, which is used for controlling access between different networks. Firewall sets a barrier in between the organization’s network and an outside network for restricting the illegal access to organization confidential information resources. “Firewalls can be an effective means of protecting a local system or network of systems from network-based security threats while at the same time affording access to the outside world via wide area networks and the Internet.” (Firewalls). This is one of the best technologies for screening network traffic and blocks the traffic, which is dangerous for the system.
Indeed, has rapidly emerged as an issue that characterizes the modern environment, specifically the Information Technology (IT) environment. This is based on inclinations towards advancements in technology aimed at attaining significant levels of sophistication the end user, the organization, and the corresponding network. The respective trend, as evidenced by disposition towards the achievement of network sophistication, further aggravates the need to develop new forms of approaches that are aimed at disarming the security of technology and networks. Following this, one notable dimension that is imperative for facilitating the accomplishment of effective computer/network security involves the component of usability. Normally, emphasis on computer-oriented tasks and obligations by end users contribute to a deterioration of security thereby establishing a defective security system. However, rather than perceive usability as the main precursor for network threats and vulnerabilities, the respective research seeks to assert the factor in question as a key contributing factor towards the determination of security levels within an IT-based system.
The development of technology has brought Internet to become the mass communication media between people or companies. Through Internet, people can communicate with other people in various places. Companies can get many advantages by using Internet network to support their business. Therefore, companies are trying as hard as they can, and give high effort in protecting their network from attack and make sure that they have the best network security.
Have you ever surfed the web and received a popup alerting you a threat is detected? If so, you are not alone. This is a very common issue web browsers and organizations face. In order to resolve or prevent such issues, it is key to learn about the security of your network. Network security is the protection of networks that help secure files and directories of a computer. It helps protect the user from hackers, virus attacks, misuse and prevents unauthorized access. The importance of learning and becoming aware of network security is important for protecting yourself and others around you. I will be discussing the common type of attacks, methods to protect your computer from harm and discuss what the future may hold for network security.
It is important for ABC Corporation to bring the network up to current security standards. Attempts to breach networks are becoming more sophisticated and difficult to defend against, as more powerful hardware is introduced and new security defenses become available leaving older measures unreliable. Aging networks that are improperly secured are more at risk than ever. It is not only important to ensure you have the proper defense at the perimeter but also internally on wired and wireless infrastructure. When considering network security controls, acceptable risk is often considered but needs to be minimized to provide the smallest attack surface for an attacker to exploit.