
Networked Essay

Better Essays

Networked (A Certain Scientific Railgun SI) #02.5


It had been quite some time since I’d been anything but the driver, it was… nice, and it felt good to just put the seat back and be a passenger as the Sister drove through the city. It was relaxing, and quiet, with none of the rage-inducing stupidity I’d experienced whenever commuting. Although, it might have been more enjoyable were the Sister not insistent on making conversation. Unfortunately for her, the topics were ones that I’d just rather not get involved with.

“‘Additionally, Misaka 10091 has been most insistent as she has come to the deluded conclusion that by receiving a piece of jewelry from the Boy she would have the right to lay claim on him over other Sisters,’ …show more content…

thing, you and the other Misaka’s have going on with the boy.”
Another pregnant silence descended on the van as the Sister came to a stop at a busy intersection.

“‘I see and I apologize,’” she finally said, “Misaka simply assumed that because she and several others went through a great deal of effort to acquire objects for your dormitory that you would be more conducive to assisting her in this relatively minor matter. It seems she was mistaken.”

I blinked and playing her words back a kernel of guilt seeded itself in my guts. She was doing it on purpose. I knew it she was doing it on purpose— she’d said so herself —but… I sighed in resignation and sank back into the seat. Probably should have figured one of them would get to me, though, especially considering how often they guilted their ‘Big Sister’. “Fine. I’ll tell you what I was planning to tell Mikoto, is that acceptable?”

“Yes. However, Misaka does request Aka refrains from giving the same advice for as long as she can.”

Not give the same advice? Oh. The competitiveness. I could just see it: Misaka sees other Sister barely hanging onto a cliff. Sister uses (Stomp on Fingers)... It’s super effective! 'Long live the king.'

I shook my head at the silly visual despite knowing it probably wasn't too far off the mark. “Sure. Well… basically, the best thing you can do is to keep things simple. I’m not say to be blatant or excessive in conveying your affection for him, but don’t bother using subtlety. Teenage

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