
Neuman 's Health Care System Model

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Running head: Neuman’s Health Care System Model

Neuman’s Health Care System Model
Ishani Patel RN BSN
LaSalle University

Neuman’s Health Care System Model
Several nursing theory models are available to assist the nurse in assessing and evaluating a family, creating a care plan for a family, and determining which interventions are most applicable to the family’s needs, strengths, and weaknesses. The Neuman’s Systems Model, created in 1983 by nursing theorist/educator Betty Neuman, is a theory that encompasses the family as a whole rather than focusing on the individual patient, and offers ways in which the family can react to outside stressors and return to a whole state after the stressor is gone. Newman believes that each person is a layered, multi-dimensional being and identifies methods of coping with outside stressors that include three types of interventions that help the patient and family cope with these stressors.
In the primary intervention, the focus is on wellness and preventing the stressor from affecting the individual or family. An example of an outside stressor would be an acute illness, chronic illness, divorce, financial difficulties, and mental health issues. The healthy family will have lines of defense that will keep the stressor from affecting the stability of the family. In the second intervention, the focus is on restoring stability to the family after the stressor has affected them. The third intervention, maintenance of

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