
Neurocognitive Dysfunction Case Study

Decent Essays

The neurocognitive dysfunction can be a complication of chronic hepatitis C (3), and several reports have described the adverse influence of the virus on cognitive function (7), which is characterised by complex attention, executive functions, learning and memory, perceptual motor functions and social cognition (4). Most of the studies suggest that cognitive impairments in HCV infection and their manifestations are completely reversible. However, more recently, some research has been inconclusive to determine the total reversibility in these cases. Few mental impairments may persist even after transplantation, once It might be linked to persistent cumulative deficits in working memory and learning. In addition, irreversible alterations in the brain in CHC patients were revealed by MRI imaging. (8).
Both structural and functional changes in the brain activity are considered the underlying pathophysiology of the disease (9). …show more content…

Other studies also pointed out a decrease in brain activity in specific areas. These areas are related to symptoms of a disease, mostly occurring in processing speed and working memory, which was the areas that the patients had worse scores when compared to controls (7). More specifically, the areas of the brain affected were precuneus and cuneus (visual memory), left posterior cerebellum (shortened attention span), prefrontal cortex (working memory), left pallidal (neuromotor dysfunction). All these alterations in the brain suggested an aberrant brain activity even in low-grade of HCV disease (3), which is demonstrated in figure

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