
Never Gone Research Paper

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Never Gone
One thing that I truly believe, and have believed for years, is that even when people die, they’re never really gone. My first experience with death was when I was 7 and in kindergarten and my grandma had passed after a lengthy battle with cancer. I don’t remember much of her while she had cancer, but I do remember going up to her funeral after she had passed. Back then I was too young to get what death was, in fact, I don’t even remember ever crying about her death. Now,the reason I didn’t cry wasn’t because I didn’t love her, it was because this was my first time having to deal with death and I didn’t really understand it. I remember the car ride up to the funeral, I remember my mom and dad sitting up in the front of the car silently …show more content…

I remember for months I would have nightmares about dying, because I couldn’t wrap my head around the thought that one day I wouldn’t be on this earth and that one day I wouldn’t have my mom and dad with me. Eventually I finally understood what my grandma dying meant, and that’s when I started to feel sad about her passing, I just couldn’t believe that the lady I remember reading me bedtime stories, playing with me, and making who I am was no longer around just like that. After many sleepless nights I asked my mom “what happens to us when we die”? Her response was “some people believe that we go to an afterlife where we will live forever, and some believe that when we die we just are dead, but nobody really knows”. I thought about which of those ideas I believed to be true, and even today, I still don’t know which one I believe. After a while I finally realised something about death that I do believe, that even in death, my grandma was living through me in a way. I believed that because she had loved me, cared for me, and taught me somethings in the short time we had together, and in that way, she had left a piece of her own personality in me. So in the end, I came to this conclusion, that even though people die, they’re never truly gone, because they help to shape who the people around them are, and in doing so, they mix in bits and pieces of their personality with that persons, and

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