
New Technology Has Affected Traditional Graphic Design

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New technology has affected traditional Graphic Design
During the past years, graphic design has been changing all over the world, especially regarding the use of certain techniques of designing. Traditional principles and techniques of design allow designers to be more creative, but more and more designers are using computers. So, is new technology good or bad? It may seem strange to consider the different aspects of graphic design because most people only know the technological side. Though most people think graphic design is more about the digital media, it is actually a complicated process that requires creativity that computers cannot supply.
Some of the new-generation graphic designers argue that hand-made work is not as effective nor trendy as a digital version of the work. However, traditional design has many advantages that digital design does not. Starting a design on a piece of paper helps the brain to be more productive, creating the new ideas out of the first one. As an illustration, a study was made regarding the topic, in which 10 people, including artist and non-artists were required to draw using only sheets of paper and 16 pastel pens, to research how drawing is an excellent therapy for creative expression that also showed how the brain rhythm changes in order to help the whole creative process. All participants were recruited via email and each one was scheduled for an individual session, they were supervised to easily measure the difference between the

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