
Nicaraguan Military Leadership

Decent Essays

new military leadership was also demanding more funding in exchange for continuous support to the US goals and to improve the Honduran army. Simply put, the downfall of General Alvarez was a lesson to the US about not to count on this particular General as a useful/reliable permanent ally. As the 1985 elections approached, and with reelection prohibited, President Suazo was looking for ways to nominate a friend, Oscar Mejia Arellano, as continuity of his government. Most Hondurans understood that no much progress was made during his administration since the US Embassador Negroponte and General Alvarez basically had guided the country. In 1986 Jose Azcona Hoyos became president of Honduras. As funding and aid became limited, and the US Contra funding methods were severely questioned and investigated, the presidency of Azcona was one in which peace in the region began to unfold. In the US, President Ronald Reagan and his administration left office in 1988 with high ratings and in Honduras, by the time President Azcona completed his turn in 1990, the Contra rebels in Nicaragua were demobilizing. Political games, hidden agendas, government instability, corruption, lack of civilian structure, US militarization, US business interests, political turmoil in the region, and structural dependency, economic crisis and human …show more content…

It was difficult for him to cope with the constant US pressure, therefore, his dependence on his military leaders such as General Gustavo Alvarez, who fully supported the US foreign policy agenda, became critical but did not allow him to run the country. In addition to the pressure from the US, the Contras and Salvadorans’ rebels and refugees added to the challenges to strengthen or achieve internal

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