
Nigerian Information, Communication And Technology

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The Nigerian information, communication and technology (ICT) sector is a fast emerging sector which has seen rapid growth since early 1990’s and information technology is a recent phenomenon in Nigeria (Ogunsola & Aboyade, 2005). However, the telecommunications arm of the sector dates back to 1923 with the first trunk of telephone service (Ofulue, 1980). Prior to 1992, the legal framework guiding the telecommunications and broadcasting in Nigeria was the promulgated Wireless Telegraph Act (WTA) by the British colonial government in 1935 (Odufuwa, 2012). Beginning from the 1950s the telecommunication sector began to see some substantial expansion as the Nigeria strive to enhance the telecommunications quality and services . In 1984, …show more content…

Also, there is now wide ICT deployment in both the public and the private sectors though a lot of growth is expected in the forseeable future. The deployment of ICT has contributed largely to the rapid development of other sectors of the country’s economy and had been a backbone specifically in the growth witness in the financial service and telecommunication sectors whereby the have become more innovative in the products and services. Whereby, the ICT sector has seen the fastest sectoral growth of the Nigerian economy with average CAGR growth of 35% in the past decade (NBS). ICT sector contributed 5.46% to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2011 while private investment in the sector increased from US$50 million in 1999, to US$18.0 billion, in 2009, and $25 billion in 2010 respectively (Ministry Of Communication Technology, 2012) . With the amendment of the new information and communication law in 1992, the restrict and prohibition of any form of non state services and licensed were removed and rights to use services and frequencies for point-to-point communication. The 1992 policy deregulation changed the face of ICT in Nigeria at a time when computer usage was becoming popular. This policy liberalisation also removed the control of the sector from the government ministries to two new

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