
Nigga Monologue

Satisfactory Essays

Well… this is how I honestly feel Jada your the one I think of in the morning when I wake up , at night before I go to sleep . Idk what point I'm really trying to make . I just wanted to let you know your my baby❤️ , my princess , my world  . Although I may not express how I feel all the time that's how I feel about you and I never wanna lose you and I want you to know that . TBH I guess what I'm just trying to say is I love you and I want you to be mines  cause for once in my life I realized that I've made a huge dumbass mistake and that was letting you go ik I mentioned this before but now looking back I see that I didn't notice what I had until another nigga got it I was very dumb . Now I don't know how you really feel about getting

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