
Nike Report On Nike 's Sports

Decent Essays

Nike released a commercial in 2015 featuring over 20 professional athletes both men and women from various sports who all come together to play a game of tackle football. The setting takes place in the snowy outdoors in a neighborhood scene, with all the athletes making comical and appealing entrances; jumping through windows, cars and snow as they all come together and head for the open field. The simplistic audio of each athlete saying the words “snow day” connects with a younger audience, giving them the relatable and nostalgic feeling that we all know and have experienced. Nike utilized this commercial to kick-start their “Get Out Here” campaign which was simultaneously launched. The goal: inspire people to be active despite the cold weather, also providing a perfect solution of their winter “Hyperwarm” gear to help them do so. Nike was smart in diversifying the cast, both gender and race throughout the commercial so they would appeal to a larger population. These famous athletes wearing Nike’s winter gear were used effectively in inspiring viewers both to get out and be active and purchase these new athletic products.
The use of iconic figures in any commercial has proven to be beneficial. Over 20 professional athletes from various sports are utilized to model Nike’s new apparel. These diverse athletes are able to capture the attention of a large population. A good call by Nike as viewers are more apt to purchase the product if they see their favourite sport icons in

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