
Nineteen Eighty-Four Book Report

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Security cameras in the State of Ohio to monitor the citizens for the purpose of homeland security is riddled with speculative skepticism. Cross verification with the multiple states (national and ultimately the world) government databases hedges on the idea of the well-known suspicion of “big brother” watching every move we make that George Orwell made famous in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four in 1949. As of this writing, the population of the world is 323,638,058. Ohio’s population is 11,613,423. (US and World Population Clock). The number of known terrorists in the world is 184,000 according to Beth Akers at techdirt (Akers, 2014). Of course, the number of terrorists is highly subjective to the definition of terrorist. However, that number indicates that .0569% of the world population and 1.584% of Ohio’s population may be “would-be” terrorists. The question that begs the answer is at what point shall we …show more content…

The information from driver’s license is collected for documenting driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle and a census of the number of drivers on the roadways (America on the Move). It has also become a source of identification. For the purpose of our scenario, Solove’s “information collection” and “information processing” categories are violated in that the information collected on driver’s licenses was not meant to be used for homeland security to search for terrorist and other criminal activities. The citizens did not agree that their driver’s license information, as a secondary use, should be shared across agencies either in state or nationally. Citizens would not trust the statement that information would be “disposed of after the crisis.” Personally, it is unsettling that any government would take action to merge databases for any reason. The ethical concerns would revolve around the flawed systems and imperfect people manipulating the

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