
Non Medical Exemptions

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information, resources, and recommendations is a good way to keep in “the know” with new and upcoming treatments. The Right to Refuse Treatment In recent years, the controversy of parental rights in the refusal and consent to medical treatment for their child is at the forefront. It is generally agreed that the parents’ rights to consent or refusal of treatment should be limited to those decisions that are in the child’s best interest. Yet the notion of “best interests” is very difficult to determine and define. Although parents have the legal obligation to ensure the welfare of their child and to not take actions that may cause them harm, the medical decision making process has particular ambiguity. For instance, what types of decisions …show more content…

However, because families with similar beliefs may choose to live together, worship together, send their children to the same schools or be part of the same homeschooling networks, local rates of vaccination refusal may far exceed one percent. Parental refusal has been implicated in the development of “hot spots”: locations where the herd immunity provided by compulsory vaccination has been weakened sufficiently for disease outbreaks to occur. (Berlinger, 2006) Need for Checks & Balances on Parents’ Rights Generally, when the physical or mental health of the child is not at stake, states and courts defer to the decisions of the parents. For medical decisions, mental or physical health will always be at stake, so a different balancing process must be employed to ensure that the state carries out its duty to protect its citizens but does not infringe on the rights granted to individuals by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Factors and Variables that Influence Parental …show more content…

Olson (2013) indicated that Latinos and Chinese families/parents hold certain cosmological beliefs in their respective cultures. For instance, Latinos believe that nothing can be done to alter the status of autism in their family members while the Chinese hold the belief that children with ASD could naturally outgrow its presence in their lives. In the case of African American families, Julien (2013) stated that the urge and urgency to seek clinical and therapeutic services is very low because of their belief that caring for a child with ASD is a family responsibility and also believe that society frowns at ASD and individuals are face with persistent stigmatization. African American belief systems also make some of the parents of children with ASD to seek for solutions from churches, spiritual leaders, trusted friends and family members instead of try to access conventional treatments. A parent’s beliefs, interpretation of situations, emotional and psychological processes shapes his/her mental reasoning and this network of thoughts affects parental choice of treatment for their ASD

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