
Nonprobability Sample

Decent Essays

Cheryl is interviewing a representative sample of attendees for the large concert venue that she works in. There are 200 live concerts featuring all types of musicians and musical groups. The number of attendees and their descriptive characteristics are not known in advance; therefore, it is determined to use nonprobability sampling. Based on previous concerts, the number of tickets available is determined and, therefore, the number of possible attendees for each type of music can be determined. By using data from attendance research conducted in the past two years from Glacier Symphony, gender data can be determined based on the type of music. To determine the most reliable method for interviews, the type of nonprobability sampling must …show more content…

This sampling would require that the sampling is relevant to the topic that we are trying to research and that there is an identifiable distribution among the population being interviewed. This would be required if you were to sample males versus females, one would have to be sure to determine the exact distribution level. It would be important to ensure that it was calculated that there were 45 males and 50 females and that information would have to be evaluated based on those measures rather than an equal amount of each. This could also be said if one were to interview different religious groups. If you were going to interview several different religious groups, it would be imperative to ensure that you have allowed all the numbers of the groupings that you have done.
The snowball method would be done once the interviewees went through referrals. If one were to interview a lady by random and then she told them to go interview her friends, etc. that would be snowball sampling. This method would not be effective when doing this particular interview as one would almost certainly guarantee skewed information, as a group of friends is likely to have the same answer when being asked about something that they have all attended

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