
Nonprofit And For Profit Organizational Management Techniques

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Nonprofit and For-profit Organizational Management Techniques
Stakeholders determine the directions of the organization (Sackett & Weyhrauch, 2014). Nonprofit and for-profit organizations must determine the hierarchic of their stakeholders. Boutelle (2004) argued that stakeholders are aligned according to their influence and interest. Boutelle outlined four categories: high influence-high interest; low influence-high interest; high influence-low interest; low influence-low interest. Another method of ranking stakeholders is by their attributes: power, urgency, and legitimacy (Myllykangas, Kujala, & Lehtimäki, 2010). The purpose of this paper is to determine how stakeholder interests, opinions, and concerns are managed in nonprofit and for-profit organizations. Next, compare and contrast the differences in management of stakeholders between nonprofit and for-profit organizations. Last, offer research questions that review the effectiveness of management techniques.
Stakeholder Interests Managed in NPOs
Not all stakeholders process the same level of influence on an organization (Greiman, 2013). For example, Manetti and Toccafondi (2014) noted that the diverse group of stakeholders is viewed at different levels of importance. Stakeholder engagement depends on the amount of responsibilities and powers the stakeholders have in the organization also determined the level of commitment of the stakeholders (Manetti & Toccafondi, 2014). Fifty-four sustainability report of nonprofit

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