
Nonviolence Is Better Than Non Violence

Decent Essays

Some believe a few reasons for thinking why nonviolence could potentially be better rather than violence is because it is less harmful to people, their country, and the world. But most times when a war starts, it is violence that will make it come to an end. Yes, when using violence in war it is going to harm innocent lives, and although this will happen, it will also essentially wipe out the nation you are fighting against. Violence shouldn’t ever have to be the answer, but when it comes to defending yourself you don't have any other choice at that moment. Violent methods are better than non-violent methods because they can end wars. The first example to prove our argument is the Holocaust. They couldn’t have been stopped using non-violent methods since the Nazis were extremely …show more content…

In addition to this, violence is the better answer for countries to find freedom because people will not attempt to revolt against these laws or their rulers since they are afraid of what will happen to them if they try to rebel. Most countries use violence as solutions because they know it is the best option for them to get their country to be the best it could be. When kings, rulers, or presidents use nonviolent methods as their solutions they come out to have more issues because many people come out to rebel against the rulers of their country. Most nonviolent protests like Mohandas Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were all people that wanted to rebel against their government because they did not like how they were being treated so they started their own rebellion so that the people that are like them can be together to create a perfect world that they think is right. Most protests that happened at this time did not get these people anywhere because the government often shut them down before they could do anything to help the government and to have freedom for their people or

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