
Nonviolent Resistance

Decent Essays

King’s policies of nonviolence resistance can be categorized as follows; the first principle is that non-violence is the path chattered only by the courageous people. That only the bold could successfully resort to non-violent means as a tool to challenge the existing status quo or to alter the disequilibrium that permeates the social and the political fabrics of human endeavors. Writing on nonviolence resistance, Ravinda Kumar asserts that nonviolent noncooperation is a “powerful, noble, exemplary and effective method or means to accord equal justice and freedom” To Kumar, the Gandhian method of nonviolent action concerns itself with all people, valuable, effective and benevolent. Kumar argues that nonviolent actions are incorporated in them …show more content…

In a real sense, Mahatma Gandhi embodied in his life certain universal principles that are inherent in the moral structure of the universe. These principles are as inescapable as the law of gravitation”. Thus, the relevance of nonviolent resistance in violent situations weakens the aggressor and emboldens the oppressed. This was highlighted in Gandhi’s nonviolent independent movement and King’s peaceful civil right movements in the United States. The bottom line is that, the British possessed enormous military, economic and political power to trash any local resistance in Indian decisively and quickly. Victory for the British in the India subcontinent during the independence struggle would be certain, taking the asymmetrical relations between the British and Gandhi’s civil resistance movements. The same circumstances apply to Martin Luther King’s nonviolent civil movements. As Gandhi’s programs made perorations within the English policies in India, so do United States policies towards its black population also expose them to international public

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