
Normal Prenatal Development

Decent Essays

Directions: Provide a 25- to 50- word summary of development during each of the prenatal stages listed below. 1 Month: In the first month in conception the baby length wise is about ½ inch. During this early month, you will be very curious and wondering how the baby growth is developing inside the mother womb. Although, the baby is not fully developed its look like the shapes of an alien. Most likely it is too early in stage to detect the sex of the baby. 7 Weeks: Within the 7th weeks of conception you will notice that the baby start developing of the eyes, showing the shapes of the face, noise, hands, fingers, and thumbs, all the shapes that starting to look like a little like a baby. The baby is now weigh about 1 inch long and 1/8 ounces. …show more content…

What is a teratogen? How does it affect normal prenatal development? Provide at least two examples to support your response. A definition of “a teratogen” it is a type of drugs that can be harmful to the fetus or a mother that is breastfeeding her baby. The elements of all these drugs all types of illegal drugs over the counter can identified as a dangerous drug that can exposure to a baby. There are chances of risk with a baby can be born with a defect. I would say in 1 percent chances that a woman is pregnant with a baby can have birth defect, it is rarely that it will happen it depend on each and individual women that are exposure to the “teratogen.” For example, a teratogen can happen in a different environment that can be exposure too which is found in the work place, house and the infectious diseases. Although, a major sources of birth defect and developmental of the incapacity intake it alcohol and …show more content…

What are the differences in the roles of mothers and fathers in bonding with a newborn? How can a father be an active participant in raising a newborn? The experimentation of mother bonding to her newborn, has begun in the 1960s, stated as a primary caregiver. The focal point of the research is specifying mother bonding to a baby, that baby felt the security of the mother bonding relationship, knowing the feeling of self-assured of it mother. The part of a father role, that his need and responsibility, is the financial support of the family by Karen Benjamin Guzzo of Bowling Green State University. Although, it’s not only the father play a role in the family and children life of being the financial support, but the mother also play the role as well by providing the income for the children and household. What is the benefit of bonding being to help a child to have self-confident and knowledgeable in school, as I live with my Asian family I did not felt any types of bonding from my Asian mother, but as I got adopted to a Mexican catholic family I had felt the bonding that I got from both of my

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