
Notes On ' Ajax ' Life And Participation On The Trojan War '

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Shivan Desai, 6802944

For information on Ajax’ life and participation in the Trojan War, read the following secondary sources:
• Buxton: p. 135-137 (“The Iliad” and “To the fall of Troy” –see also images on the bottom of p. 137)
• Greek Mythology Link:

Type your answers under each question (It is important that you include the questions. Do not omit them!)

Ajax is Achilles’ first cousin, a handsome man and formidable warrior, is called the “wall” of Achaeans for his strength and his huge stature towering all other Greeks.
• Read Iliad book 7 : 180-312 (The duel between Ajax and Hector): o Ajax’s presence and his armour are described by Homer in quite a magnificent way. How? …show more content…

Ajax 's clothing are described in a parallel fashion to which his power is, "Next came the two Ajaxes, men clothed in an impetuous ferocity.” (Iliad 7.198-199). After the choosing of whom is to face Hector, face of the Trojan people, Ajax is once again portrayed as mighty, in which the Archaean’s acknowledge, "From it fell out the very lot men were hoping for, the one for Ajax." (Iliad 7.216-217) and describes him as a magnificent figure, stating "noble Ajax" (Iliad 7.213). Ajax 's armour is then continuously elaborated upon, "So men prayed. Ajax armed himself in glittering bronze. When all his armour was in place around his body, he moved forward, like some gigantic Ares" (Iliad 7.245-247). Ajax 's presence and choosing to face Hector seems significant in the manner of which portrays Hector 's speculative fear for his might, "Even in Hector’s chest the heart beat rapidly. But there was nothing he could do to pull back now, retreat into the ranks. For he had made the challenge, made it eagerly." (Iliad 7.256-259). Homer once again elaborates how magnificent Ajax 's armour is, "Ajax approached bearing his shield. It was like a tower made of bronze, with seven layers, each one of ox-hide, a weapon made by Tychius, the best of leather workers, who lived in Hyle. He’d made the glittering shield for Ajax from the hides of seven well-fed bulls. On top of these, he’d set an eighth layer made of bronze.

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