Tell me about an assignment that was too difficult for you. How did you resolve the issue? Well, let’s see. Honestly, there were many assignments in the past I had to overcome, but I do recall one. My second year at Lonestar North Harris college, I was taking basic animation, and there was one assignment that plagued me. This assignment was in fact, our final project, and we basically had to animate a model. Now, I never really had to animate anything before, that was a rigged model. The same day, I downloaded a dinosaur rig, but I still didn’t know how to animate the darn thing. Over the next couple of days, I spent most of my time within the lab trying to figure out how to start. Luckily for me, Iliana Ortiz, just happened to walk inside
Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) have employed me for five years. I am currently employed as a Roof Control Specialist, however at the time, I issued the violations in question I was a Health Specialist.
On July 27, 2015, at approximately 10:54 AM I, Deputy Ragsdale, was advised by dispatched to contact the complainant, Randy Clay, by phone in reference to a theft.
My in-game name username is ItzHeaven, although soon I will be changing it back to my first name (WikPlaysMc) and I won't be changing it anymore.
Suspicious Links / IP-Loggers: If you post any link in-game that is not related to OPCraft, you will be permanently muted for Suspicious Links or IP-Loggers Only Moderator+ can do dis because we dont to False mute People
I have been extremely immature in the past in my Cyclone career, and I regret this. A lot. One of the biggest reasons I am applying for Cyclone is because I want to show the community that I can be mature. I can give back. Maybe I'm not the person you think I am. I'll elaborate more on why I get so furious/immature at times. And to be quite honest, one of the biggest things I regret is starting off on a negative path. I was being immature, annoying, and just nobody
This was because I didn't do my job, and just let my responsibilities sit until the last second, in which it was too late. I was only a third-wheel owner as it was, and didn't have a lot of responsibilities as it was, but in the end, I screwed up, and payed the price. The reason I believe this happened was because, where I am good at taking orders, giving them has never been my strong-suit. I never really cared to be an owner, or delegate my responsibilities. I'd rather instead do the work
On Tuesday July 21, 2015 at approximately 8:10pm, Ms. Carter called me on my cell phone and asked me, “How much longer was I going to be out on my route?” I stated to Ms. Carter that,” I didn’t know because I had two more splits left to do.” She called Mrs. Anderson on the phone and they both conferenced me in. Mrs. Anderson asked me how much longer it was going to take me. I also stated to her that, “I didn’t know.”
I worked with plugins here and there, and even got to set up SG maps. In fact 2 of the servers I even got OP'd so I could get more commands to the point where I gave out ranks to people who had problems with transactions, and didn't get their ranks. It was a lot of fun for me, and gave me more experience on servers. I was Mod/Helper on these other servers, and I absolutely loved helping out people answering question building doing all sorts of things. I set up shops and a couple of parkour courses to make the server a lot more fun and entertaining. I can spend 2-3 hours a day so in a week, maybe 21 hours in total, I will try my best to be on for as long as I can. When I was a builder I spent 2 hours on the server daily building and helping the community, when I'm a Helper I might spend like 4 hours on the server (Taking breaks here and there to relax). I can be a huge help I can be on this server a lot, and I'm confident I have what it takes to be a Helper. I can do so much for the server any time Owners/Admins need help, I will be there with building or whatever they need me to do and I will do it. I know a lot about plugins so I can be a huge help with that as well . Also what to do when people are not obeying the rules. I love playing minecraft and have been playing since 1.3 and never been banned on any server. When I was a Mod I loved helping people out with there problems/concerns I can also do that in this server which will
RI.3.2 Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.
Why should we accept you?: I've played with the staff members and players on Vexon for a while now almost for as long as I have been on Vexon. I have realized that this server has become more then just a place to play Factions and make friends its more like a family to me. I also noticed how much I care about this server, how much I care about the community and the staff, and having fun on here. The real reason I want to join you guys and become staff is because I want to help people as much as I can and I want to work with you guys and become apart of the family you guys created. I want to grow with this server and impact it in a positive way. I play nearly 4+ hours a day talking to players,welcoming new people , and being there for the staff talking with you guys and just having a good time. I want to be apart of what you guys created and see if I can help this server the best I possibly can. I'm here to help the community and do whatever I can with whatever powers you
The following international, national, and local agencies are aimed at keeping the public safe while seeking optimum health and well-being for all citizens involved. They provide assessments, develop policies, assurance, meet unmet needs, and enable access to health care (McCowan, 2013). They hone communities’ capabilities to respond effectually to health issues by shielding and endorsing the health of the community and its residents (McKenzie & Pinger, 2016-b).
The most important assignment I have ever had was in my 8th grade science class. The assignment was to make and complete a scientific experiment, along with a partner, based on a topic we covered in class. We were was meant to work on it throughout the 1st semester; I tried to complete it in the final 2 weeks. The assignment would include everything that you would see in an actual experiment, such as a hypothesis, multiple trials, and a conclusion. It required lots of work and collaboration between my partner and I. The assignment could either elevate my grade to an A+ or cause it to plummet. It put a tremendous level of stress on me and my partner, as well as my parents who didn’t know about it until the end. I soon found that I had less
When I first was first beginning to work on this project, I was overwhelmed by the amount of work that was needed to complete it. I was worried I would be unable to balance the workload from the project with my other classes. I had no previous experience doing something like this, so I wasn't sure what to expect. To combat the large workload, I planned on evenly spacing the work out throughout the semester. I was able to stick with the plan at first, but as the semester went on a slowly got more and more behind. As the due date approached, I rescheduled the work I had left. I made a strong effort to stick to this schedule so I wouldn't have to do all the work the night before the project was due. Not putting everything off until the last night greatly reduced the amount of stress that could
What part took you the most time? What part was most difficult? Which part was easiest? What would you do differently next time?
When faced with a challenge, typically I believe there is no mountain that cannot be faced with the power of Christ and a touch of determination. This project was so different. I went into this so motivated and found many struggles along the way. The comfortability of explaining to others around me did not phase me, and I looked forward to a new experience, to a point. I also felt overwhelmed, annoyed and more negative towards the project than motivation, but I knew it would soon be over. I relied on the Bible for scripture and found, “So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever” (2