
Nt1310 Unit 3 Quiz

Satisfactory Essays

1) Is the following statement true or false?
Mature dendritic cells captures antigen and transports them to the lymph node, where they lose their properties and become immature dendritic cells that present antigens and activate naïve T cells.
a) True
b) False

False. Immature dendritic cells are found at the site of infection where they capture and take the antigens to the lymph node. Once at the lymph node, they move into the T cell area and become mature dendritic cells that present antigens that cause the activation of naïve T cells.

2) Choose the correct answer
_________ brings DNA gene segments together and cuts at the ends of the heptamers. __________ adds N-nucleotides randomly to the ends of the P-nucleotides.
a) Tdt, RAG1/2
b) RAG1/2, Tdt
c) …show more content…

c is incorrect because AID switches cytosines for uracils, which causes mutations. It also converts IgM to

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