
Nt1330 Unit 9 Final Project

Decent Essays

The assignment given to the peer student for the second week said to give as much information on the subject of the tree structure directory and explain some of the strength and weaknesses associated with the application.It seems to me that you have given the peer students in the class a wealth of information on the tree structure and the concepts that may support the achievement and the function that which will be applied to the command prompt function and its usage. Although the file subject was tree structure directory it has a wealth of usage and techniques which will help make the file of filing concept much easier when it comes to maintaining the information which will be stored and/or maintained for retrieval purposes in reference to today and the near future.The single level directory function in the supporting of the command entry may help keep the file inline if you may be able to have a creative way of inputting the file for a more logical return on the result and/or results.

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