
Nurse Retention Committee Paper

Decent Essays

RN Recruitment and Retention Committee: Saving Lives One Nurse at a Time As a recruitment and retention committee, our goal is to attract responsible and respectful nurses, along with retaining the nurses who were already hired. Strategies will be used to entice future employees, as well as the current staff, with incentives. Such incentives may include: benefits, workplace conveniences, flexibility, gaining personal growth, and becoming recognized and appreciated for all of the hard work that is being done. In order to do this, the committee that was created will have to plan meetings to discuss a more enhanced and detailed plan. The number one goal of the group is for staff to be excited to come to work and feeling great when …show more content…

The research will be conducted and gathered before the start of the meeting so the meeting will move smoothly without unnecessary interruptions. Other members who aren’t researching will be responsible for presenting the documentation through the use of a PowerPoint or slideshow, which allows for a better view of the information. Feedback from patients and families is also important to consider when making changes that could affect the quality of care. Therefore, it would be useful to gather as much feedback as possible and use that to make final …show more content…

According to Tubbs (2012), numerous experts advise that the optimum group size appears to be five. This problem-solving group will bring a variety of strengths to the table. Members that are chosen will commit to a two-year term, and at the end of their service will choose their replacement based on the recommended criteria. Attendance is mandatory and will be a vital part of the committee selection process. Potential members will be interviewed and assessed on positive energy and good attitude toward the project at hand. The selection will include two newly hired registered nurses, preferably one male and one female, a recruiting nurse from HR, a manager or coordinator from a nursing unit, and lean facilitator who can keep the meetings on task. After evaluating the prospective team members, an email will be sent to the managers and the employees who are selected. It is imperative that the manager or unit coordinator is aware of the employees’ commitment and need to be scheduled off on the meeting times. The initial meeting will be a long afternoon meeting 12 until 5, lunch will be provided and it will be a relaxed atmosphere. The forthcoming meetings will be monthly, the third Monday of every month at 11 am in the boardroom for approximately one hour. A return email will be expected to confirm the participant is aware of the time and place and will be attending. In the article “Monday

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