
Nurse Staffing Essay

Decent Essays

Literature Review
Shekelle (2013) reports a small percentage of hospitalized patients die during or shortly after hospitalization. Evidence suggests that some proportion of these deaths could probably be prevented with more nursing care (Shekelle, 2013). In a study completed from 168 nonfederal adult general hospitals in Pennsylvania it was concluded that in hospitals with high patient-to-nurse ratios, surgical patients experience higher risk-adjusted 30-day mortality and failure-to-rescue rates, and nurses are more likely to experience burnout and job dissatisfaction(Aiken et al.). According to Hinno, Partanen, & Vehvilamen-Julkumen,(2012) nurse staffing is a matter of major concern internationally because of its effects on patient safety …show more content…

Sochalski (2012) reports workload played a role in these quality assessments, but it was the consequences of workload, such as the reports of unfinished nursing at the end of the last shift and the frequency of adverse events among patients, that played a much more prominent role. Nurses' vigilance at the bedside is essential to their ability to ensure patient safety. It is logical; therefore, that assigning increasing numbers of patients eventually compromises nurses' ability to provide safe care (Sochalski, 2012) A study done by Tubbs-cooley, Cimiotti, Silber, & Sloane (2013) revealed Children treated in hospitals with pediatric staffing ratios of 1 : 4 or less were significantly less likely to be readmitted within 15–30 days. According to Kutney-Lee, McHugh, Sloane, & Cimiotti (2012) patients’ reports of satisfaction are higher in hospitals where nurses practice in better work environments or with more favorable patient-to-nurse ratios. According to Yakeusheva (2016) better staffing can allow nurses to perform better surveillance, spend more time with patients, and detect complications earlier; leading to favorable patient outcomes. Many correlation studies support the association between better nurse

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