
Nursing As A Profession, What Does It Mean?

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Introduction to Nursing
Nursing as a profession, what does that mean? Better yet what does it mean to me? I find myself at the mercy of a long drawn out discussion of the evolution of nursing, is it a science or is it an art? I ask myself, why am I doing this to myself? Am I prepared to care for someone else’s life? Health? Medical needs? Do I have a philosophy? Do I even know what a theory of nursing is? This is probably one of the hardest journeys I have ever been on in my life so what does my future look like? Can I become the professional, responsible, accountable person that I am being taught be? These are some rhetorical question that go through my mind every day. Their answers are far from contrite, and deserve much time and thought into answering them.
Nursing, in general, has been in its infancy for ages. It was not a profession until Florence Nightingale “elevated the status of all nurses” (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014, p. 7). Nursing has been changing for the better since with the formation of professional organizations such as ANA (American Nurses association), NLN (National League for Nurses), and ICN (International Nursing Organization). These organizations continue to shape nursing and how we, as nurses, and other healthcare professionals see nursing today.
As a nursing student, I am taught about an SLO (Student Learning Outcome) and core values, things I have never thought about, in my life, until now. Looking at the objectives and belief systems, I

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