
Nursing Fatigue : What Is The Blame Game And How Can It Be Prevented?

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1. Nursing Fatigue: What is the "blame game" and how can it be prevented? Nurses have an accountability to their patients to ensure provide the highest quality care possible; and to provide high quality care nurses need adequate resting; working long shifts, night shifts, and rotating shifts, or overtime, contributes to nurse fatigue, accidents, mistakes, and errors (Reed, 2013). Nurses have an obligation to avoid errors and to advocate for safe workplace environments that prevent patient harm. Worker fatigue and a “blame culture” are major factors that hamper quality and safety. As professionals, nurses are ethically bound to do the best to prevent errors. We all make mistakes; after all, they are part of learning process. However, …show more content…

Teaming nurses to help and supports new colleagues provide a safe and quality patient care. After all, nursing are all in this together. There is no perfect nurse, and cannot provide healthcare alone. Nurses need to respect and be able to rely on each other toward successful healthcare. ii. Partnership between leaders and nurses By keeping the lines of communication open between leaders and staff, healthcare organizations can encourage and empower nurses to solve blame game issues without fear of punishment by management. Leaders and nurses must work as a team and are capable of providing safe and quality environment. When an error or incident happens, many leaders investigate everything and everyone except themselves. In the process of patient care, harm might occur; the culture often prefers to blow the blame game whistle instead of learning from the mistake. Nursing in fear, often refrain to openly admit mistakes and errors, which hinder the objective to ensure everyone is cared with compassion and dignity. Nurses are responsible for recognizing and reporting errors and error-prone systems, and openly discussing them with managers and nurse leaders. Leaders are responsible creating an environment where staffs are comfortable disclosing actual and potential errors. Leaders should promote organizational learning from these events and take action to ensure that nurses practice in a safe environment. To encourage upward reporting of

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