
Nursing Internship Analysis: High Reliability Concepts

Decent Essays

It sounds like you have had a wonderful leadership learning opportunities during this internship. It seems as though your organization fosters a High Reliability concepts that focus on embracing a culture of safety based on teamwork efforts. Although you experienced some challenges during your practicum project with time management and scheduling of meetings, having physician and nursing engagement in your projects collaborative efforts are important in attaining your goals and objectives.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I found myself with multiple to due list that seemed to be quite overwhelming at times, juggling meeting times for my practicum hours, and the high demands of my own job were challenging to say the least, but proved to be …show more content…

I used to think that I had to be a part of fixing every little thing that someone brought to my attention. The implementation of High Reliability concepts within our organization has changed my perspective in addressing issues within the organization. These concepts are based on team efforts, not one person. I have grown to realize that I cannot be everything to everybody, which I think stemmed from my early nursing career. Whenever someone asked me to do something, I did it, because I wanted to learn and be a part of the team. That is not the case today; don’t get me wrong I am involved in plenty and offer my help frequently however I am always behind with mounds of organized piles of ciaos on my desk. That is why I placed my focuses on my practicum project on gaining approval for an additional position for the department. I have always possessed assertiveness, but had challenges delegating in my roles. It wasn’t until I gave up worrying about not being liked by everyone that facilitated improvement in delegation efforts. Thanks for sharing your insightful

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