Specialty areas in nursing are growing and each different area is another opportunity for nurses to grow and discover other parts of the nursing field. There are so many areas that it would be difficult to have each program integrate the specialty areas into the curriculum. Nurse educators are already trying to keep up with the ever changing health care system and teaching the most current information. Should the need then be on the organizations that serve and use nursing specialty care to provide the education needed for these areas practice? Nurse educators teaching within the program focus on core competencies and provide some information on the specialty areas available in the nursing field. It was pointed out that nurses desiring specialty
In 2008 the Alliance for Advanced Practice Credentialing and the National Council of State Board of Nursing published specific masters educational, accreditation, licensure, credentialing, certification processes. The masters educational, accreditation, licensure, credentialing, certifications are based on a set of values steps to practice will ensure that NPs have the skills training to place themselves to serve an fundamental role in national health care reform (Graduate NursingEDU,
The Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies (NOF Core Competencies) were selected to show the correlation of competency based education and practice partnership. This is being done nationwide so new student nurses would be more prepared with critical thinking and competent learned skills during clinicals. It encourages many nurses to continue their education with some becoming Doctors of Nursing, Nurse Practitioners’, Educators, Managers, and many more specialties.
The clinical nurse practitioner has numerous areas of core competencies that vary greatly from the five categories listed for the nursing administrator. Nurse practitioner competencies are: scientific foundation, leadership, quality, practice inquiry, technology and information, policy, health delivery system, ethics, and independent practice (NONPF, 2012). The nurse practitioner needs to have a solid foundation in the nursing science field (NONPF, 2012). Quality competencies are another area in which clinical nurse practitioners need to hold as they are dealing directly with patients and their needs (NONPF, 2012). Relationships between access, cost, quality, and safety and how they influence health care are what are needed for nurse practitioners (NONPF, 2012). Also, interpreting knowledge into practice interacts with the quality of the practice. Generating knowledge about the practice and constantly improving the practice through evidence based best practices furthers the area of nursing (NONPF,
The Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies (NP Core Competencies) forms and builds upon ongoing Master’s and DNP core competencies and these are the channels and background for all graduating NP students. The NP Core Competencies can input their full scope of practice as an independent licensed practitioner. These essential competencies of an NP is fully developed by graduation, no matter what the NPs preferred speciality is. The core competencies are an essential part to face the multispecialty challenges of the changing health care system. By adding knowledge, skill, and ability to independently handle different
Change is always vital to progress and the field of nursing is constantly in change. The world that we live in today is creating a higher need for more nurses, changing the way that nurses are educated and creating new approaches to utilize nurses out in the field. On October 5th, 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released the report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” The report elaborates on the need for the nursing profession to prepare for the changes that are occurring due to the health care reform and the current
Healthcare systems and the way safe, quality health care is delivered are continually changing to better serve patients and communities. Professional nursing practice is a large component in the healthcare system today. Back in the 1960s, professional nursing leaders tried to adopt the bachelor degree programs as the only educational track to become a registered nurse (Creasia & Friberg, 2011). Due to nursing shortages and demands this motive did not hold fast. Individuals entering the nursing profession today must first decide which educational pathway to take to become a Registered Nurse (RN).
A nursing theory allows the nursing profession to define and differentiate nursing care practice from other professional disciplines. The work of Patricia Benner has been crucial in setting a stage to standardize education and career progression for the nursing profession. The nursing care practice has been changing exponentially since the development of the theory From Novice to Expert. It has enabled facilities across the nation to achieve a higher level of patient care due to its ability to identify the needs of each of the stages of a professional nurse’s career progression.
Some of the dilemmas associated with today’s nursing force are: Many are under-educated and task-oriented, unaware of their patient’s plan of care, medical histories, or pertinent results. Too many rely on clinical coordinators and team leaders, when it comes to critical thinking, therefore, miss out on the vital fundamentals, which make nursing such an honorable profession (Grietens, 2007, p. 10). In order to create a stronger, more knowledgeable nursing workforce, entry-level requirements for RNs, as well as APRNs, need to be uniform. In addition, research shows bachelors and masters prepared nurses, result in better patient outcomes. An example of a proposed solution includes:
Nursing lacks the standardization requirements that other professions require which leads to failure to unify nurse’s identity in allocating the furtherance of education in the profession (Black, 2014). Lack of resolution in these educational requirements undermines the nursing development as
Furthermore, licensing and accreditation standards must be heightened to insure the quality of the nurses that enter the workforce. Certifying organizations must therefore mandate the proper demonstration of core competencies and skills prior to endowing students with the nursing title. The nursing profession, according to the IOM report, must undergo fundamental changes within the overall education of nurses. In many respects the basic
Improving education and training is one of the strategies to address nursing shortage. Increase in federal funding to compensate current faculties and graduate students faculty is essential in addressing the issues. This will decrease vacancy rates and help to improve workload. Development of a program among regional and statewide nursing schools is another factor to consider. This promotes joint efforts with faculties allowing them to make use of resources efficiently which also assist in students nurse advancement. Moreover, it
Advanced practice nurses have core competencies that are similar or are specific to each specialization defined as an advanced practice. The profession of nursing presents favorable circumstances for nurses to specialize in roles with distinct responsibilities and opportunities to contribute to the function of a health care industry with growing demands and complexity. The profession of nursing continues to debate to whom the title advanced practice nurse applies to. Examination of the core concept frame works described by nurse leaders and professional organizations tend to either support or refute the argument related to the use of the term, advanced practice nurse for nursing administrators and educators. For the purpose of this paper the author will explore the core competency similarities and differences of a nurse practitioner and a nurse educator. Nurse educators and nurse practitioners are registered nurses that possess advanced education, skills, and experience. Each specialty nurse has defined scopes of practice with distinct sets of responsibilities, requirements, and skills. Each role represents distinct educational requirements and activities that contribute to the complex and diverse health care industry.
Nursing education has progressed throughout history from one of uneducated lay persons to the current standards we know today. As the career has progressed it has become apparent that there is a need for a skilled labor forced trained to deal with the sick and dying, “the provision of nursing care by American women…demonstrated the effectiveness of skilled nursing on improving outcomes for sick and injured soldiers” (Creasia & Friberg, 2011, p. 4). However, as the career progresses so does the need for more specialized training amongst nurses to help them deal with the changing atmosphere of patient care. The future
With a consistent change in modernizing medicine, along with the continuing advancement in technology, continuing education in nursing is essential for a variety of reasons. The nurse’s main concern is providing safe, efficient, and effective patient care with positive patient outcomes. This paper will examine the differences in competencies between nurses prepared at an associate-degree level versus a baccalaureate-degree level, in order to provide an evidenced-based understanding of the variation in the educational preparation of nurses.
There is no doubt that the health care system is constantly changing and working to improve its flaws, to the best of its ability. Whether nurses like it or not we are a part of the ever changing health care system. “With more than 3 million members, the nursing profession is the largest segment of the nation’s health care workforce” (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010, p. 1). The Institute of Medicine believes that nurses should be active in transforming the profession of nursing, along with the health care system. Regardless, of backgrounds, race, and age all nurses can contribute to the future of the nursing profession. The following paper will discuss the Institute of Medicine’s nursing expectations and recommendations, as well as the opportunity to becoming a clinical nurse instructor.