Nutrition and Motivational Interviewing in Adolescence
Health and Healing 1
Georgian College
Harrison Klein
Although we all know what nutrition is, are we nutritious? Do we have the education and knowledge to be nutritious? A lot of people do not, and that is why this topic is relevant to society, especially adolescence. No matter what, good nutrition is essential for everyone, but it is especially important for growing teenagers. Proper nutrition promotes optimal growth and development. A poor diet can lead to many problems, and that is why it is very important to further educate proper eating habits and nutrition. Teens need to know what to eat, when to eat, and how much of it is healthy in order to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Most teenagers like to think that because they are young, they are indestructible and can eat whatever and whenever they want, without thinking about the future. Not only does eating today reflect on health in the long run, but the habits that are built today are tough to break later in life. A lot of people need help because they’re unaware of the junk that they put into their bodies. Depression, puberty, school pressure, sex, drugs and alcohol, and heightened emotions are all part of the teen years. All of these factors play a large role in eating habits, and that is where help is needed the most. A poor diet can lead to energy imbalance (e.g., eating more calories than one
In Adolescents, the chapter 5 of the book, What Children Need by Jan Waldfogel, the author addresses evidence that support adolescents about healthy growth and development, transitions to adulthood, and what parents and others can provide. To begin with, he pointed out what adolescents need to know during the period when they are growing and transitioning to adulthood. For instance, he discusses the health behaviors and outcomes and social and emotional ones such as physical activity, nutrition, risky behaviors, and cognitive development. Waldfogel states, “Nutritional habits set in adolescence can lay the groundwork for a lifetime of health eating or poor nutrition and obesity (p. 158).” Another thing that he discusses is how the role of
Good nutrition is a critical part of preventing obesity and chronic disease. What people eat is one of the most important determinants of whether they are overweight or obese.
Nutrition is a key component of an individual’s healthy well being. Many factors have a significant effect on nutrition and it is important to continuously maintain a balanced one. Having a good nutrition is one of the main defenses for an innumerous amount of illnesses and diseases that can harm the body. One would ask, “What is nutrition per say, and how do we maintain the balance of it?” Nutrition is defined as “the sum of the processes by which [a living thing] takes in and utilizes food substances.” (Merriam-Webster, 2011). It is the responsibility of each individual to assure the consumption of enough nutrients to nourish the body and to be cautious of harmful toxins. A child is dependent on their guardian on being taught how
Thankur, Netra, and Frank D`Amico. "Relationship of Nutrition Knowledge and Obesity in Adolescence." Feb 99-FM Pp 114-138 (n.d.): n. pag. Web.
Jill CorLeone; a registered dietitian and health coach, with a little over fifteen years of experience disagrees as well. “The teen years are a period of rapid growth and development. In fact, teenagers need more calories during this period than they’ll ever need in their lives”. Teenagers need these calories from
Some adolescents have problems with eating. Several teenagers eat a lot (binge eating), and many of them do not eat enough, which leads to anorexia (Rathus, 2016). Anorexia is an eating disorder that causes the body to experience effects similar to malnutrition and can ultimately lead to death. This eating disorder starves the body of from the things it need to regulate and operated of maximum capacity (Rathus, 2016). Eating disorders has led to schools to have adolescent nutritional
Experts say many people are dieting because of the government's recent warnings about the U.S. obesity epidemic. About 64 percent of Americans are overweight or obese. Yet helping people control their weight is a tricky issue. "It's a balancing act, because on the one hand, clearly we have concerns that more and more teenagers are becoming obese," said David Sarwer, associate professor of psychology and director of education at the Weight and Eating Disorders Program at the University of Pennsylvania. "On the other hand, we don't want teenagers to be so restrictive with their food that they may develop an eating disorder." Kaelyn Eckenrode, a senior at Newtown
Being “concerned with weight and shape is extremely common during those adolescence years. In addition to being exposed to the very real health risks of obesity and poor nutrition, teenagers are being exposed to the unrealistically thin beauty ideal that is portrayed in the media “ (Canadian Paediatric Society, 2004). Many adolescents feel the need to diet to be able to fit the requirements of what a teenager need to look like, the long limbs, skinny body, these are unrealistic impression that have been created throughout time. Many of the FAD dieting programs draw in teenagers due to the quick results that are produced during the short time. However, the weight loss is usually water weight, which puts your body into dehydration. During the adolescence period, dieting carries many risk involves in the practice. Risks involved include, “physiological effects, electrolyte disturbances, cardiac dysrhythmias, and even sudden cardiac death can result from unhealthy or extreme dieting practices” (Turpin, Daee, Robinson, Lawson, Gregory, & Tobias, 2002). But not participating in certified weight loss progress, major health problem can occur. Before commencing weight loss programs it would be recommended that doctors or dieticians be spoken to, confirming goals and weight loss that are suitable for each
If students are able to eat healthy they will receive the right nutrients that the body needs. Food provides our bodies with
About one-third of children and adolescents ages 6 to 19 are considered to be overweight or obese(NIH). Obesity has become the most common pediatric chronic disease in todays time.(TRINITY). An approach to this would be to make a dietary plan to help the youth overcome this sickness .Many illness that occurs in obese teenagers are a result of their eating habits, minimal excise time, and continual depression.
Price, T. T., Carrington, A. S., Margheim, L., & Serrano, E. (2017). Teen Cuisine: Impacting dietary habits and food preparation skills in adolescents. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(2).
Nutrition is important to understand because it is a significant contributor to the health and wellness of a human being. Nutrition can determine the weight of a person, the performance of organs and the body’s ability to prevent or accelerate certain diseases. Health and nutrition can be influenced by several factors such as family, friends, peers as well as physical and mental stress. As a young child, the immediate family is the biggest influence on nutrition because they are the first role models and establish the initial habits that the individual will develop. Through daily meal plans given to children, they can develop a standard of care in regard to nutrition and then incorporate key food groups into their daily diet. A child’s
Food advertisement has been going through the world and becomes popular now, the nutrition during childhood and adolescence is essential for growth and development, health and well-being. Furthermore, eating behaviors established during childhood track into adulthood and contribute to long-term health. Numerous studies have consistently documented that dietary intake patterns of American children and adolescents are poor and do not meet national dietary goals.
Healthy eating is important from the day we are born. As a child, we grow quite rapidly and this is due in part to the foods we eat. Foods all contain nutrients that provide us not only
Eating healthy is important for many reasons, it will promote intellectual development in children and adolescents prevent major health problems from developing and ensure a long and healthy life style. This research paper will introduce the importance of forming a healthy eating habit from a young age onto the senior years and will also point out some of the negative effects not eating healthy can cause such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, iron deficiency anemia, dental caries, under-nutrition, and eating disorders.