
Nutrition And Nutrition

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Nutrition in older adults can become a problem for many and is an even greater threat to this population then obesity. Physiologic and psychosocial changes in adults over the age of 65 affect their food consumption. Risks factors for malnutrition include diet, limited income, isolation, chronic illness, and physiologic changes (Amella & DiMaria-Ghalili, p.40). Older adults with a limited income have to change their shopping styles or eat less meals in a day according to the money available. They may choose bread and juice over healthier options. Older adults who live by themselves cook less and enjoy their food less. Older adults who suffer from disabilities may not be able to cook or aren’t able to travel to a supermarket because of their disability or lack of transportation. Illness and medications may decrease their appetite. Dental health and taste can alter their consumption in food.
According to the Nutrition Screening Initiative (NSI) 40% to 60 % of hospitalized older adults are malnourished or at risk; 40% to 85% of nursing home resident are malnourished, and 20% to 60% of home care patients are also suffering from malnourishment. Malnutrition is associated with loner lengths of stay in hospitals, increased costs, diminished muscle strength, wounds that heal poorly, risk for pressure ulcers, infections, and postoperative complications Amella & DiMaria-Ghalili, p.42). Their health and independence are affected. They are at risk for increased risk for fall and

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