
Obama Care : The Health Plan

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Obama care
Many people wants to know why health care is so important. People do not plan on getting hurt or even sick but life those type of things happen unfortunately. I feel like people should and need medical care health insurance at some time in their life. Having health care insurance help to pay for cost and even offers many benefits that most Americans people would need. People who do not have health insurance will pay and or even spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on medical bills that most health insurance will cover. Not having health care insurance can lead to bankruptcy and or even debt that can be really hard to get out of. Having health coverage can be essential to life that many people do not know about. I really do feel like the Obama Affordable care act is the health plan that many people should have. Throughout this paper I will give many facts on why Obama care is beneficially to all Americans.
Many people heard of Obama Care, but people really do not know what Obama Care is exactly. Obama Care which is also known as the Affordable Care Act is a United State law which is aimed towards bettering and or reforming the health care system for all Americans. When I did my research I found out that the Obama Care’s main focus “is on providing more Americans with accessible and affordable healthcare insurance, which would help improve the health care and health insurance policy”. March 23, 2013 was the date that Obama Care was first signed into law by

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