
Obama's Influence On American Politics

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The American political system is the base for the control, regulation, and safety of the United States. The government has the power to allow a nation to prosper and grow, but also to suffer and hurt. Throughout the late 20th and early 21st centuries, American politics has undergone serious changes, evolutionizing into something much more than its original political functions. American politics has begun to modify itself into more of a source of entertainment than a system capable of upholding the rules and protecting our country. The policies and decisions of the Obama administration have created an election focused primarily on the negative outcomes of Obama’s presidencies. Even traveling back to the Bush era, the people want a strong and confident leader, capable of change. The current standstill in congress and the inability for Obama to pass and execute much reform has created more chaos in a quickly weakening system. The American people seem to be ready for change; yet the 2016 …show more content…

Many of the Clinton statements in the 2008 race were twisted in favor of Obama. “Bill had been talking about Obama’s record on the war-- nothing more. Hillary had been making a historical observation--nothing more. Their words were being twisted, bent out of shape…” The vulnerability of the Clintons and their past wrongdoings have allowed them to become such easy targets for people like Trump. A theme that was discussed greatly in the Game Change was celebrity. The McCain campaign did some serious damage to the Obama administration by creating an image for Obama as a celebrity. As McCain’s lead adman suggested during the campaign, “Well, let’s turn that against him. Big celebrity? So’s Britney Spears! So’s Paris Hilton!” By comparing Obama to such celebrities, the McCain administration was successful in changing Obama’s image from a political phenomena to a celebrity with questionable ability to

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