
Obesity : A Serious Health Issue

Decent Essays

Obesity is a very serious health issue in the United States. It is a factor in heart

disease, diabetes, and has even been linked to an increased likelihood of certain cancers.

Cottum and Anderson (2008) state “It is estimated that 280,000 excess deaths in the

United States annually can be attributed to obesity and morbid obesity when compared to

cohorts who have normal BMI” (p. 480). When considering the health issues that come

along with obesity and the amount of people dying because of this condition, it is plain

to see that America’s weight problem needs to be fixed. In order to begin solving.

Through nutritional education, psychological care, and plenty of emotional support,

America can beat obesity. To begin with, Americans need to be more educated about nutrition and how to

make wise choices in regard to their health. Nutritional and physical education should start as early as possible, and should be a part of a school cirriculum and home life.
Brewer and Rieg (2013) wrote about an investigation into a grant-funded obesity prevention program that was conducted involving eight preschool employees. The program required sixty minutes of mandatory organized physical activity each week, and a change in foods served to the children was implimented. Over

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