
Obesity In Mexico Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Pathiana Cassamajor
Speech class
Prof: Grossman
Tuesday-Thursday: 8:25-9:40 AM
Obesity in Mexico
According to World Health Organization (WHO), obesity may be thought as a body fat that transfer remarkable risk unflavored the body health. In general, obesity can have harmful result in a human body, and it’s occur most when someone body mass index is 30 or greater. The symptoms to it are pain in the back or joints, also common overweight, fatigue, snoring, or pot belly. The main treatment for this is a life-time diet.
The most common country in the world with the highest obesity are United State and Mexico. Most likely, the United State usually the one with the greatest number, but, in the past few decades Mexico starting to meet a general changes in its diet. In addition, adolescence obesity is a problem that is growing rapidly in Mexico. As an estimate, 70% of all deaths in Mexico are caused by Obesity diseases. Overall, Mexico is distress through a sustain nourished change in which there has been reduce in traditional and homemade diets, differ with an growing in the use of trading products, fast food, and not homemade meal.
“Imagine you grew up in a poor family that is trying their hardest to survive, but the only food they can feed you make you fat or overweight.” That’s sad right? Well, that’s the reason why the Mexico federal …show more content…

Obesity is known as fatness or overweight, especially in infant, adolescences. There are also the target to the disease, the only treatment is a lifestyle diet. The way the country use to fight this is providing food for the low income families and make sure children are exercising at school. However, understanding Mexican youths’ obesogenic environment, obesity-promoting factors, their interactions, and how this could predispose children and adolescents to become overweight or obese is a key matter for future preventive

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