
Obesity Influence On American Culture

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Prolific British artist and political activist Banksy once joshed, “A recent survey of North American males found 42% were overweight, 34% were critically obese and 8% ate the survey.” Although Banksy obviously wrote this in epigram, it does saliently point its finger at the United States of America, which, according to UK medical journal The Lancet, secures first place as the country with the highest obesity rate. Obesity has been a perpetuating social phenomenon in contemporary American society; and has been a topic of dialectical discussion between politicians and other leaders since its upsurge and exacerbation as an issue following the baby boom of the Second World War. With an exponentially increasing population, the 1950s introduced the household microwave, the fast food option, and the supermarket, all of which have fostered unhealthy, high calorie foods, and are partly responsible for the surge of American obesity.

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