The Effect of Capitalist Values on the Prioritization of Obesity in the United States of America
In theory, the US is capable of providing a varied and healthy diet for all; yet why are more than one third (36.5%) of US adults obese (Ogden)? Broadly defined, the World Health Organization states that obesity is a condition in which the presence of “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation presents a risk to health” (“Obesity”). However, regardless of the growing prevalence and incidence rates, capitalism has increasingly driven consumer behavior, perpetuating the wide spread of this health issue. Despite the fact that four of the top ten leading causes of death in the United States in 2015 were a direct result of obesity, the government
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To begin with, the negligence of obesity in the United States today is rooted on the prevalence of greed that has become a leading force in the economy and society. By putting profits above consumer health due to the fear of not attaining the benefits of more wealth, greed has become a socially accepted and justified trait. In a society where money is at the center of all decisions and activities, it is unsurprising that the government has chosen the low-hanging fruit for convenience’s purpose by neglecting this health issue and focusing on gaining profit instead. A clear example of this was in 2009 when the Obama administration first issued a stimulus bill to fight against obesity through community-level anti-obesity campaigns. Unfortunately, at first the bill was not passed as the cost was too expensive and it also came at a time where numerous households and firms were facing economic hardships. DesJarlais, a leading US physician justifies the rejection of the bill by stating “it was absurd for the federal government to spend billions demonizing certain foods and trying to affect people’s personal dietary choices…it makes absolutely no sense that federal and city agencies would aggressively advertise against American products made by American workers” (Crabtree). This justification explicitly depicts how, despite attempted
Judging from the title of David Freedman’s “How Junk Food Can End Obesity” published in The Atlantic, Freeman's audience, the upper middle class of America, conjures up an image of a crazy Freedman throwing away every piece of scientific data that shows junk food is hazardous to your health. However, this is not the case. Freedman brings to light a more compromising approach to solving America’s obesity problem. His opinion is that by manufacturing healthier fast food we can solve America’s obesity issue and that his method would be able to be established nation-wide in a cheaper, fast and more effortless way than some other methods proposed. Not all, but the majority of The Atlantic’s audience cares about
68.8 percent of people in the United States and 30 percent of the entire global population are obese. “Obesity today is officially an epidemic; it is arguably the most pressing public health problem we face, costing the healthcare system an estimated $90 billion a year.” said Michael Pollan in “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals.”
In the essay, “What You Eat is Your Business”, Radley Balko writes to tell his audience about how the government is trying to control people’s health and eating habits by restricting food, taxing high calorie food, and considering menu labeling. Balko includes in his essay that government restricting diets and having socialist insurance is not helping the obesity problem, but it is only making it worse because it not allowing people to take their health in to their own hands so they have no drive to lose weight or eat healthy. In his essay, Balko is targeting society, including those who may be obese, he is trying to show them that the laws our
As per Healthy People 2020 most Americans do not consume healthy diets and are not physically active at levels needed to maintain proper health. As a result of these behaviors the nation has experienced a dramatic increase in obesity in the U.S with 1 in 3 adults (34.0%) and 1 and 6 children and adolescents (16.2%) are obese. In addition to grave health consequences of being overweight and obese. It significantly raises medical cost and causes a great burden on the U.S medical care delivery system ("Healthy People 2020," 2014, p. 1).
America is known for its advanced society and technology, but is also known to be one of the most obese populations. Found in “Down to Earth”, America is one of the most progressive countries to exist; therefore it should be the healthiest (“Obesity in America”). If America is so highly advanced, more advancement needs to be put towards obesity rates. As time goes on, adults and children are having to consequently expand their waistbands because of unhealthy habits. In an article previously discussed, Brown-well states that Americans are at an all-time low in exercising (Murray). By having less motivation to exercise, family health is at stake. Future generations need to be more pressured to keep physically fit for their health. With less motivation for a healthier lifestyle, communities across America will remain obese. According to CBS news, Americans prefer to consume Twinkies over Tofu (“The Blame Game”). With Americans not giving healthier options opportunity, less interest will be put into healthy options. Individuals are focusing on the pleasure of taste than their own well being. Internationally speaking, Americans have one of the strongest societies, but the weakest mindset for healthy living. With stubborn attitudes and continual unhealthy choices, obesity will not only stay but
The United States was once one of the most healthiest countries in the world ranking second, but after some years the United States has plummeted to rank thirty-seven. The current problem of poor health in the United States is caused by the United States government’s lack of innovation in keeping America healthier that has damaged every American’s evolution to stay healthy in the day and age of technology. According to The State of Obesity there are now four states that have over thirty-five percent of their citizens who are obese, all states having above twenty percent obesity rates and thirty percent in twenty-five states. All together over thirty-five percent of the United States population is obese (including super obese) that and of
In the United States today, obesity has become an enormous problem. In the last 3 decades, the number of people overweight has increased dramatically. A study done by the Centers of Disease Control showed that since 1980, one third of our adult population has become overweight. America is the richest but also the fattest nation in the world and our obese backsides are the butt of jokes in every other country (Klein 28). The 1980s were a time when Americans suddenly started going crazy over dieting, jumping onto the treadmills, and buying prepackaged non-fat foods. However, while all of that was going on, the number of obese Americans began to increase. According to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 58 million
Within past decades and the unequivocal heyday of fast food, obesity has become an undoubted issue for America, as well as other countries across the world. In terms of how to solve this issue, the majority of people are split on whether the government should have an active part in health regulation. Michelle Obama, who gave her statement in her, Remarks to the NAACP National Convention, as well as others such as Tim Minchin in his song, Fat Children, believe that one’s weight is a personal issue that should be solved socially, devoid of government interaction. In addition to their belief in trying to solve the obesity epidemic with creating an increased sense of social responsibility, they also make use of popular culture to aid in their points.
Obesity is defined as a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduce life expectancy and/or increased health problems. “The problem of obesity is increasing in the United States. Understanding the impact of social inequalities on health has become a public health priority in the new millennium. Social, political, and economic factors now are acknowledged to be "fundamental" causes of disease that affect behavior, beliefs, and biology.” (Goodman, 2003) In the United States today, obesity has become an enormous problem. In the last 3 decades, the number of people overweight has increased dramatically. Obesity has not always been seen as a medical
Obesity has become increasingly more prominent in American society. The Unites States has even been termed an overweight nation. Some twenty to thirty percent of American adults are now considered obese (Hwang 1999 and Hirsch et al 1997). With this in mind, Americans constantly look around themselves determining their weight status as well as that of those around them. While some Americans do fit the healthy category, others enter the underweight, overweight, and even obese categories, all of which can be unhealthy.
Obesity has been a growing problem in the U.S. for more than a decade. Various reasons and theories are thrown around as to the cause of this severe problem by psychologists, dietitians, and professors trying to pinpoint a single cause. Due to America’s vast supply of resources, luxurious living standards, and moral of the country, there is no one cause for obesity contrary to advertisements offering a quick-fix drug. America’s obesity problem is rooted much deeper than just cheap fast food and poor choices. Medical conditions, influence of genes, unhealthy lifestyles, and mental illnesses are all contributors towards obesity in any one person. Obesity is a serious problem in America with multiple contributors and one lone solution
This academic conversation expands on the broader hunger-obesity paradox of the 21st century and also attempts to explain how it has become a prevalent issue. Although there are numerous factors that cause hunger, these articles focus on unforeseen factors that have been contributing to the rising obesity rates, in particular to the low-income populations in the United States. In other words, this conversation discusses the factors that do not initially appear to have an effect on obesity rates, such as racial inequality and federal food assistance programs, and argues that they do significantly contribute to the prevalent health issue. The articles analyzed for this paper are Baum (2011) “The effects of food stamps on obesity” from the Southern Economic Journal; Darmon and Drewnowski (2005) “The economics of obesity: dietary energy density and energy cost” from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; and Broady and Meeks (2015) “Obesity and social inequality in America” from the Review of Black Political Economy. These authors all discuss the factors behind rising obesity rates, but do so from different perspectives. Although the topic of hunger requires authors to appeal to pathos, the authors addressing the hunger-obesity paradox approach similar conclusions by incorporating logos and ethos into their arguments to further allow readers to quantify the severity and dangers of the paradox in relation to the dangerously high and continually rising obesity rates.
Obesity has rapidly emerged as a serious health issue in America. The cause of obesity results from America’s social injustices. Today, food advertisements are in all places promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. Considering the great expense of healthy foods, low income families can barely afford fruits and vegetables. These two factors contribute to the increasing obesity rate in the United States. Unfortunately, it has taken an excessive amount of Americans to become obese for America to become aware of the issue and take action. Although obesity is still an increasing problem, America is fighting to reduce the number of obese citizens. As a result of low income and the media advertising unhealthy lifestyles, America is in the midst of an obesity epidemic.
Obesity in the United States has really become an economic problem as well. People are spending the little money that they have and spending it on food that they shouldn’t be eating in the first place, which they should be spending their money on healthier and nutritious food, for themselves and their family. New England Medical Center, Michael Dansinger of the Tufts says:
“Obesity is a disease that affects more than one-third of the U.S adult population (approximately 78.6 million Americans). The number of Americans with obesity had steadily increase since 1960, a trend that has slowed down in recent years but show no sign of reversing”.