
Obesity : Obesity And Obesity

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“You are what you eat”, happens to be a true statement. Many people overlook the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle. Obesity happens to be a serious issue. Overtime the level of overweight Americans has risen. Although obesity is caused by many other factors, there are many ways to prevent it. Most Americans are overweight due to the lack of exercise and poor diet( America’s obesity percentage is constantly rising, which is quite concerning. This obesity rate must decrease. Obesity can cause both internal and external conflicts. For example, low self-esteem, depression, discrimination and higher expenses are a few things obese people deal with daily. Obesity is caused by many other factors. Sickness is a popular factor that can lead to obesity. Diabetes is a sickness in which the body cannot properly control the amount of sugar in your blood . That’s due to the lack of insulin. Having this disease can cause obesity. The more Americans consume unhealthy food, the greater chance they have of receiving this sickness. To treat diabetes, it requires insulin . Insulin causes weight gain. This causes weight gain because the more insulin that is being taken in to maintain the blood glucose, the more glucose is absorbed into your body’s cells. Obesity can also lead to high blood pressure and hypertension. These sicknesses are caused due to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, renin-angio system and the sodium system. Some foods with

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