
Objectivity And The Phenomenological Reduction

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Objectivity is a funny way of people justifying their own subjections. Edmund Husserl is the guy to talk to if you want to be confused by what “objectivity” means. I say confused, because Husserl’s path through the end product of the phenomenological reduction leads him to contradictions, which generate revisions of his investigation. Eventually his revisions lead to a happy phenomenological-objective ending and will be discussed along with another objectivity viewpoint: The View from Nowhere. Lastly I’ll give you my objective/subjective opinion on which “objectivity” I think is more convincing. Objectivity to Husserl is what he considered the phenomenological reduction. “The aim of the initial ‘phenomenological’ reduction is to individuate correctly the domain of pure consciousness as the domain of meaning-constitution”(Moran 78). I’ll attempt to use logic as an example: the proper object of logic is to study the relationship between the contents of expressions and what is being expressed; Modus Ponens states that if p then q is accepted, and the antecedent p holds, then the consequent q may be inferred. Logic is only interested in the functional relation between the truth-value of p and q in the domain where Modus Ponens is applicable. Because logic, in one domain is only interested in the functional relation between p and q, its overall truth-value is limited to a one-sided truth. “Logic deals with validities and the laws in which hold between them. Ideal laws of

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