Organization The organization I have picked to analysis is 7 Hills Homeless Center. 7 Hills is an organization that is fighting to help the homeless and to fight for an end of homelessness in Arkansas.
Organization Break Down
7 Hills is an alterative organization. It is alternative in the way that this organization is not like other groups out here. 7 Hills has 6 programs within their organization, each program is tailored to fit a certain type of demographic. That is why I believe that this organization is more alternative than traditional.
Characteristics of a bureaucracy are, “Stable and officially stated structure of authority, there is a clear “pecking order” or hierarchy, written records, specialized training
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Theory Y is a theory that says humans are natural good and that they are hard workers and tries their best. (Schriver, 402) This theory fits because 7 Hills believe in people no mater where their lives have taken them. 7 Hills has a mission to help these people get back on their feet, they believe with the right about of support any one can get back up.
Goal Formulation and Change 7 Hills tackles their goals head on. They have several goals at any given time. Their main goal is to help the homeless; this is done in many different ways. They have homeless shelters, called day centers, in different locations; they also have a housing programs set up for people to use on a temporary or permanent basis. These are just some of their goals to help the homeless.
Problem Solving If I were representing a group and an issue came up, I would proceed by asking a supervisor about the issue. If that supervisor does not know how to help me with my problem I would then ask someone above them. I would continue in the manner until I have reached the answer I need. Since 7 Hills is like a bureaucracy there is a chain of demand and the higher I go the more help I would be
A Homeless Task Force was created by the Mayor of Sidney, Ohio. He saw that there were homeless citizens who were suffering in the cold. He created a Task Force in order to start programming and community services for these individuals.
I decided to do my advocacy project on this particular agency because of what they stand for. Their mission is to bring confidence back to individuals and families and for them to continue on in life without feeling guilty or ashamed. The service provided through this agency oversees the growing needs of what the community is or may be facing. Advocacy, advocating not only is a way to give back to the community; but it’s almost like a commitment to ensuring that no one gets overlooked or left behind. This organization is about making those who believe it’s impossible to believing it is possible. Andrea Perez, a staff member and interviewee at Family Services of the Piedmont, enjoys what she does on the daily basis. She believes everyone deserves a
Christ house is an organization that empowers, heals spiritually, physically, and mentally, and providing clients with medical assistance in areas of their lives that needs stabilizing. Their demographics target the Washington, DC area, and clients are adult males who are predominately African–Americans. Their main goal is to provide health care to those who are sick and homeless, and addressing issues in order to break the cycle of homelessness. They also provide help with building resumes for those who wish to enter into the work force. This is one of their many ways of building and promoting community, and finding ways to eradicate negative behaviors that involve things such as the use of illicit drugs and involvement with the criminal justice
What is a bureaucracy? Tolbert and Hall (2009) describe in the text, a large formal organization with the characteristics of having, a division of labor, a hierarchy of authority, a set of written rules, resources that are clearly separated from home and the organization, and group of members who are appointed according to qualifications (P. 22). These were the key elements Max Weber, a German scholar described for an ideal type of bureaucracy.
An example of a bureaucracy would be the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The FBI has special agents of different origin like cyber crime, bank fraud, homicide, human and drug trafficking, in addition to forensic psychologists, psychiatrists and biologists. The agents with the most time in the bureau have higher positions, with director of FBI being the highest of this government agency. The director of the FBI has a massive amount of responsibility because he receives orders from the President of the U.S. and is chosen to address the press.
Homelessness is a complex issue that can overwhelm any one independent agency, but that is what
The homeless of American, especially the children are an important group in need that also leaves me concerned. While living in Hawaii, I had the pleasure of being allowed into a homeless camp to help provide tutoring services to the children that lived within.
The National Coalition for the Homeless is a local organization for people who are experiencing homelessness. The goal of the organization is to prevent and end homelessness while providing immediate services to those in need. Other organizations such as Volunteers of America, a nonprofit organization, work to prevent and end homelessness while providing services such as affordable housing.
I feel there is a need for services to help those who want assistance. The project affected me. I live in this area and although there are resources available, they tend to run out of space or funds quickly dissipate while trying to service the demands of the homeless population. The project has influenced me to become more active in my community, donating canned goods is not enough. One significant point I learned, was that the lack of an exact head count of the homeless in Jefferson County. Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission went out and completed surveys to aid with grants and HUD compliance, but they only reached five hundred (Lewis, 2017). Whereas, I found evidence to support that there is two-thousand or more homeless here. I feel a correct number is needed to obtain resources and funding for the organizations which serve them. From my group members, I learned that we are all headstrong with
Hiking through Rocky Mountain National Park the beauty was overwhelming, the next day our team was serving in downtown Denver in a Street reach meal service to people suffering from homelessness. The beauty of the mountains was overwhelming but then we surrounded by this vast issue of homelessness. Both of these moving experiences, along with many other moments during the week, that made this trip personally impactful and helped me to see the world in a more vivid light.
On April 15, 2016 at approximately 0803 hours, while conducting an area patrol near Fernwood Boulevard and Oxford Road, Fern Park, Seminole County, I observed a male lying on the ground.
Bureaucracy refers to the system of government where most of the critical decisions regarding the operations of the government are undertaken by the state officials as opposed to the elected representatives. It is vital in enhancing the ways through which inclusivity is realized in the operations of the American government in the modern society.
Bradfords Helping Home is a Shelter that will help the families and youth of Starke Florida who are experiencing homelessness. Homelessness is a growing concern in our society today and not just in Starke. In The United States on any given night, there are approximately 643,067 people experiencing homelessness. In Bradford county there are approximately 6.9% of only the student population and not the adults of the community experiencing homelessness. This may not seem like a very large number but it is. These numbers should never be allowed to get this high. This is a growing concern in Starke as we are getting at least two to three new students who are considered homeless and put under the McKinney-Vento Act. “The McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth. McKinney-Vento provides federal funding to states for the purpose of supporting district programs that serve homeless students” ( With my mother being the McKinny-Vinto liaison in Bradford county I have learned of how serious this problem is. I would like to be able to support these children, youth, and families in helping them get back up on their feet and to be able to have a place to go if they are experiencing homelessness.
In my early career in human services, I worked at The Coalition for the Homeless Nonprofit agency. I was based off site in a local shelter and worked within the Bound for Success program, an afterschool setting for children and youth ages 5 through 14. I provided intake assessments and case management to the children and their families. I worked with these families to provide direct and indirect services designed to meet the individual needs of the child. These needs included behavioral needs, educational needs, and/ or emotional needs. Working with this age group provided me with deeper insight into the psychology of child development. This knowledge is basic for guiding and understanding young children because an enormous amount of growth and change occurs during these years.
With the creation of new states and the intervention of government in everyday life of citizens necessitated the need for ideal-type of bureaucracy. Everywhere whether in developed or developing nations, bureaucratic structure is a common phenomenon.