
Essay on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Nutrition

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OCD and Nutrition

OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder which affects 2.3% of the American population between the ages of 18 and 54. This condition is characterized by irrational or unwanted thoughts, obsessions, urge for repetitive rituals and compulsions. Symptoms usually start during early childhood or adolescence and the exact cause is still unknown. Some thought that OCD manifests due to personality defects and bad parenting, but this is not the case. OCD impacts the communication systems in the brain and according to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, it produces a chemical imbalance in the brain wherein low levels of serotonin have been recorded. Serotonin plays an essential role in mood …show more content…

It also helps in stimulating alpha brainwave production that promotes deep relaxation. IL-theanine also has properties that can protect against environmental neurotoxins. This amino acid can be found in green tea, black tea, and boy bolete mushroom.
St John’s wort - This herb has been widely used in treating depression and other psychological disorders. It also has hypericum, which is a chemical that has been found effective in modulating serotonin levels.

Natural supplements have a distinct advantages than drugs and medications. They provide larger amounts of raw materials in the brain for the development of serotonin. However, they may become ineffective if the person has deficiency in one or more critical nutrients needed in producing serotonin. It is best to consult your doctor on how you can address and relieve OCD symptoms.

N-acetylcysteine - N-acetylcysteine is a nutritional supplement used in treating compulsive disorders such as OCD. It has been found to be very effective on hard-to-treat disorders like hair-pulling (trichotillomania).
Flax seed oil - Several evidence shows that taking flax seed oil can help manage OCD behavior. It is rich in essential fatty acids that enriches the brain cells’ communication and development.
Vitamin B complex - These B vitamins have been found helpful for those suffering panic disorders, depression, and OCD. Vitamin B1 plays an important role in controlling blood sugar, which has a major impact on anxiety.

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